The Grand Cafe



We had sleet last night on the way back from Montpellier and there was some white in the grass but all gone by the time I got up this morning. Bright sunlight and 7C now but with the mistral it feels colder.

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Still on the ground here and meteo says more to come later today. Very unusual for this area.


Good afternoon Bruss and Yeti,
This was our terrace early yearerday in north Dordogne. It has been bright and sunny here today, but still quite cold, so most of the snow has gone.

Best wishes,
Brian D.


Just up the road. Travelled back from Angouleme to Montbron yesterday pm and it was touch and go to get home.

Did you know the average house in the UK is just over 65m2 and by comparison the average house in Australia is 265m2. Apparently Aussies have the biggest houses in the world, according to Kevin (Grand Designs).

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You have a got a bit more space than us in UK so not entirely surprising

True but we’re also the most urbanised. Go figure

You are but your cities are much more sprawling than some our very congested cities

I think you will find your average Australian prefers to release any trapped wind as soon as it starts to build. Hence the need for more spacing between individuals. We Brits are far too polite in comparison.


Not in this house…:rofl:


You guys are so polite that you’re still waiting to be introduced :slight_smile:


@Pete_the_painter my wife and kid 3 are off to the Van Gogh museum today. I told him that the museum is so special that an Australian bloke I kind of know travels this planet to get there. I wonder what kid 3 likes most.


Hope kid 3 appreciates just how lucky he is to be able to see such beautiful pictures so easily. Post some photos I do want to see it at least one more time. Enjoy yourselves. :+1:

How did your friend go at Harry’s when he went there for audition ?

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His still thinking.

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There are some good bargains going at the moment apparently :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Do you know if Harry has any of the new stuff yet?

Mmm apparently.