The Grand Cafe


How was your visit to the Van Gogh museum did kid 3 appreciate it or do I need to call around and sort him out.

The best laid plans… :man_facepalming:t4:

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@Mike_S i am feeling a little sorry for myself I fell down our back stairs this morning and a little worse for it. Nothing serious just some bruises scraps and a dented ego. Stupid thing I was talking to a lizard (don’t ask) that was on the bottom step and missed it (the step) completely.


I’m glad you’re okay and I tried really hard not to laugh at the thought of missing a step because you were talking to a lizard……

Just wait until @Bevo catches up with the news :flushed:


I did but posted reply on wrong thread

He’s such a silly lad - and he’s quite young :crazy_face:

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Well least I can post on the right thread.

Weren’t you recovering from your last leg injury?

No that was months ago (almost a year) and a knee problem caused by years of carpet laying.

Take your point but I’m a lot older than you so that’s my excuse . No excuse for your mishap at your age :stuck_out_tongue::stuck_out_tongue::stuck_out_tongue:

You’re in good company Mrs Pete’s just got home and said almost the same thing.

What a wise lady she must be :+1:

Do think poor Richard wakes up some morning thinking what on earth have those clowns been up to overnight.


Oh well keeps him on his toes

Walking down the stairs talking to a lizard. You sure you haven’t been at the sauce again? :joy:


It wasn’t any old lizard, it was the Lizard King :pill:


If I was drinking I would’ve at least had an excuse.


Didn’t your mother teach you, never talk to ‘STRANGE’ Lizards?!:joy:
Glad you weren’t seriously injured. In my experience, bruised egos take longer to heal than a couple of scrapes.

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You are right about the ego especially when the other half is still reminding me. Re the lizard we have a family of skinks that live around/under the stairs. Think they’re even giggling.


Missing a step is painful, it’s many years since we had lizards in the house.

Mum duly screamed when she saw one,dad and I said they were good.

She could never cope with a hot climate and

Moaned from the first day to the last.For three years

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They’re quite harmless and eat lots of bugs.