The Grand Cafe

Thanks Mike it is a bit of a bucket list thingy (although I don’t really like that phrase) and knocks out 2 in one week. Mrs Pete thinks I’m crazy flying all that way for a week. I don’t see any issues I lock our builder in as soon as I get back and work starts late spring early summer so I’ll be flat out with that once it starts.

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Mate of mine said business class return to Bali currently $4k

Pre pandemic no more than $2k

Instead he just went cattle class

Should be a great trip Pete the days will go fast

They now want to charge you for selecting your seat, it’s a joke and a tax on families or people travelling together.


No OS trips for me this year , looking at Japan hopefully next year ( 3rd time) and couple over the ditch

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After I caught Covid last year (and I am 99% certain on the aeroplane) I will be masked up
from the moment I get in the queue for the plane this year

Last year I had an aisle seat in the front which meant every person who got on the plane walked past me

This year I have a window seat .

Think everyone I know that’s traveled by air seems to get covid for free. If the airlines get on to it they’ll work out away to charge us. :grin:


Yes, I am very wary of public transport be it plane , train or bus

Mrs Pete thinks I should bring over some packets of Tim Tams.

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You can buy them in the UK…

Yes but they’re expensive aren’t they.

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Yep, very… :+1:

I try not to eat them but last time I noticed them they were $2.50 a pack (on special).

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£4.50 per biscuit @ Harvey Nichs’ … :moneybag:

Per biscuit :scream:

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I said per biscuit, actually a 200g pack (1 packet, not sure how many bikkies…maybe 6…).still exy.

They’re between $4 and $4.50 here for a 200 gram packet.

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Buy a packet of Penguins, should fix you up just fine… :wink:

Yeah but they’re not Tim Tams :grin:

Better bring some veg-e-mite as well

I thought you blokes don’t like it.