The Grand Cafe

Yesterday , an inch of rain - handy for the garden and the fish pond

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It was very foggy and not that cold when I arrived and got to a beautiful sunny 21.5c here today.

Iā€™ve just had dinner and think Iā€™m only going to last till around 9pm. Looking forward to sleeping in my own bed.


Glad to hear your journey home was uneventful. Long haul flights in the cheap seats are never much fun, hell theyā€™re not that fabulous wherever you sitā€¦ :man_shrugging:t4:
Isnā€™t it about time that got this ā€œSpace Planeā€ technology sorted, so you can do Heathrow to Sydney in less than 5 hours! :thinking:
It is the 21st Century after allā€¦ :sunglasses:


We always hear about it but nothing ever happens. Judging on current prices no one would be able to afford it though.

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Why not change your Naim?


What and call myself Linn.

I think he means you could become Naim instead of Peteā€¦

I got that I was just being a smartass. :grin:

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Adopting the name Naim is quite doable, but Linn requires more physical engineering

I known a few guys called Lyn although Iā€™m not sure of how they spell it.

I too know a guy called Lyn, short for Lyndsay.

We have a guy at work called Marian or Marion, not sure how it is spelt.

I use to know a boy called Sue or was that a song. :thinking:

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I have niece called GeorgiešŸ˜

A wrestler called Shirley


Not this Marion.


No, but just as tall.

Shirley you canā€™t be serious?

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I remember watching himā€¦



I was once married to a woman called Darryl.