The Grand Cafe

Some poor girl from India is giving me rings on behalf of the company ‘blockchain’ …

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You should tell you work for a company called Blockcalls and hang up.

We’re now getting a lot of unsolicited calls where they just talk in Chinese. I have no idea what they’re say or selling I suggest it bogus though.


I had a call from a nice woman today who spoke reasonable albeit halting English, who told me that she was from “Microsoft Technical Department” and that she calling me about my broadband.

Sadly I suddenly found that I had inadvertently hung up. How rude of me.


Apparently the daughter I never had, has lost her phone and is in desperate trouble.
She’s apparently texting me from a new phone… :thinking: :man_shrugging:t4:


Give those people some slack they just try to manage to make ends meet (like Lady Madonna). It can be irritating though…

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It’s not just irritating. Most forum members here won’t be scammed, but elderly people are. It’s still shameless theft. I do realize the situation those scammerboys and girls are in less good situations as we are but they should find an honourable way out of it.

By the way, I politely say no thanks and hang up. Next time I’ll start reading the parable of the talents until they give up.

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Sometimes, though, the banks don’t make it easy to sort out the scammers from the real thing.

All afternoon, I’ve been receiving texts and calls to my mobile, informing me that my credit card has been declined and unless I reply “Yes” or “No” to the texts, my card will be cancelled.

Once home, using the “Who called me?” website, reveals that the phone number has no connection with my bank, and since I hadn’t used my card for a few days, it’s time to call the bank, surely?

Long story short, it seems the number does indeed belong to an outside agency, used by my bank to monitor possible fraudulent card use.

My question is, why doesn’t the bank contact me via a number I might actually recognise, rather than one which had me on scammer alert?

Never easy, is it? :roll_eyes:

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It’s even worse. I think Pete and HH are actually the same person but we don’t have proven it yet. I’ve only met Pete until now.


I’ve only met HH until now, so maybe we can swap notes to test the hypothesis?

HH has a serious interest in excellent paintings (which I can confirm because I have seen some hung in his house in Emsworth), whereas Pete has a serious interest in painting excellent paintings, but I haven’t seen the evidence myself first hand.

So it’s scarily close. However, on the other hand Pete gives likes often and HH almost never does. But is that just to put us off the truth I wonder?


While I understand your sympathy I don’t share your sentiments. These people are trying to rip you off, they take thousands of dollars off vulnerable people who often can’t afford it. We now have system where you can report the call/text and delete the member/message.

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@davidhendon @Ardbeg10y Ok you blokes you’ve got me cold. I am HH’s love child and have been trying to keep it a secret. It’s my only contact with him as he refuses to acknowledge my existence.


Here they’ve introduced a 2 step authorisation to help combat the risk of being scammed.

However you have scratch your head wondering how some people fall for some of this stuff.

Where are the good old days of Nigerian princes?

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They’ve all retired and moved abroad. :grin:


Nothing more annoying than doing some manual work and then finding you can’t use your thumbprint to validate your payment because your skin is roughened :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

That’s exactly why I’ve given up my manual work. :grin:

Is HH shorter than you ?

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I don’t know mums only got photos and they’re in black and white.

Ha ha good one :+1:

Are you hipster Balmain or down the beautiful southern highlands