The Grand Cafe

Ha ha

I’m off to the Corner Bar in Rozelle with my brother and a friend of mine for a few wines and snacks . It’s a nice little grunge bar which suits me fine

If they were unhappy , they would have been very vocal …

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True Ian either that or embarrassed ha ha :grinning:

Sorry couldn’t resist

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I’d love the options you guys have. We have the pub or the RSL.

There is some good news re the pub that closed it’s been bought by a family who specialise in taking on pubs after they’re been stripped of the pokies. They open in 3 weeks with a Mexican and tapas menu.


Good news Pete hope it works out :+1:

More late night so. Bring on my retirement :sunglasses:

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It’s the crickets fault. :grin:

Problem is Mike if I retire I’ll spend all the time doing the pub and wine bar circuit- not good for the liver nor cash for upgrades !!

Yes but you only go round once and I don’t want end up in a damn nursing home. I’d rather enjoy myself.

Me neither I’ll find a way to take the pill before that happens mate

Yes, it’s a bit of a balancing act to slide gracefully to the finish line without being broke, or too rich, and enjoying the ride. I’ve adopted the slow transition to when the pension kicks in, more part time work to free up some time for more fun.

That’s the secret finding the balance. You really only need your super to last you till around 80. After that it’s not like you’re going to do much and pension will be ok as long as you own your own home.

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Speak for yourself mate I’ll still be out clubbing , problem is I won’t know where I live to get back :crazy_face::crazy_face:


I have that problem now.

The thing is, doing all we’d like to is probably not going to be affordable for us. Although we are well placed for when super kicks in and own a nice house, so we are very grateful for that.

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My wife ate for over 10 euros Ben and Jerry’s. Then she asked me whether she would still fit the nice dress for the next wedding. I did not bite.

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I’ve been doing the weekend shopping. We live on the border of a real rural area and the ‘Randstad’ as we call it - the circle of cities in the Netherlands. Usually I do see fellows wearing clogs. Yes, it really exist here.


10 Euros worth of B&J ice cream in UK gets you about 2 mouthfuls these days :roll_eyes:

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It was 2x 465ml.

I realise that history is repeating. My grandfather was usually upset if his wife - my grandmum - was having her guilty pleasure, typically some fries.

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