The Grand Cafe

Finally had time in my studio this week and started a sketch in paint for my commission. I’ll take the good bits and experience of this into the proper painting next week.


Is that the sketch of 3 that I think you did quite some weeks back Pete ?

Yes, just working out colour and tones.

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Thank you @Eoink. Hope you’re fully recovered.:sunglasses:


Well on the way thanks Tony.


Hey @Pete_the_painter, how’s things?
You seem to have gone off grid recently. Hope all is ok?


No just lying low. Away for the weekend with limited access due to family commitments. Had an 80th birthday party to attend yesterday and my granddaughters’ 9th today. :+1:


@Bevo was in Balmain on Saturday (Royal Oak and later in Hart St). the main street seemed to have regained its mojo. Almost looked like the Balmain of 10 years ago.

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I’m down in southern highlands had a couple of birthdays on

Bits of Balmain have had a slight resurgence but overall still dull, needs a good kick in the guts

Royal Oak is OK but food not as good as it use to be .Maureen the owner got the hotel in a divorce settlement from her ex NRL player many years ago, she hit the jackpot with that

The Mittagong Hotel down here leaves it for dead after the magnificent reno

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Just signed a letter of intent with our builder and hopefully get a start late August. That certainly takes a bit of pressure of us as Mrs Pete has warned me that I’ll be building a bachelor pad if we’re not in by next winter. :grin:


Wow, no pressure then🫣

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Exciting times :sunglasses:

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End of naim upgrade times :crazy_face::crazy_face:



I’ll let Harry know not to expect a call from you :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Have you had to modify the plans significantly?


Ha, well there is no Naim distributer now anyway, and no new stock coming in, so the options aren’t great going forward.

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Yep but something might happen shortly I would think Mike :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Yes upgrades may not be on the agenda but hey that’s not the first time I’ve said that. :grin:

Looking forward to starting soon I’ll be happy with anyone turning up a hummer.

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Pull the other one :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You’ll be pleased to know that I’m starting to enjoy vinyl more than I should be……


Exciting times ahead. I hope you keep us fully informed, with pics and all, of progress throughout the project.

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