The Grand Cafe

Me buried under 2,000 bricks we have to clean by hand.


Be sure to give us a running tally of your variations against your contingency. It will be better drama than Grand Designs :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::+1:


My biggest fear I made most of my money out them. :scream:

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Nudge Nudge - Iā€™m not saying anything !!

Keep those vinyl purchases up :+1:

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:+1:Yes, it means a lot for well-being to have a stimulating job, what is your profession?

Why ā€œā€¦more than I should beā€?
Vinyl is delightfulšŸ˜Š
I must admit, my LP12 is feeling a bit left out at the moment as I have been indulging myself with the new Streamer, but I will be back using it in equal measure as soon as the novelty wears off a bitšŸ˜‰

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Iā€™m in IT. I started working in 2000 as a technical consultant. Over all the years I grew into design / it architecture / management roles. Iā€™ve kind of lost myself in that which became clear in the last year when my last good assignment was finished and I was doing non critical stuff. Iā€™ve joined a big American software company house as escalations engineer, which is a role to fix any sorts of critical issues at the moment a customer starts threatening to kick us out. Great fun and it allows me to reconnect to my technical heart.


Vinyl is delightful, I was kinda joking, as Iā€™ve invested in streaming as my main source. I have around 300 odd records from back in the 80ā€™s when I was collecting them, along with the few new recent purchases. I decided to upgrade the old Rega set up, rather than go full in with an another new source with all of that cost and then having a spare player. I do quite like the old Rega, and Iā€™ve got it sounding pretty good with the upgrades and new phono stage. Actually a lot of that old vinyl, and even some of the new stuff can beat the digital set-up, which has been a bit of a revelation. And the whole tactile aspect and gatefold sleeves and notes is quite nice. So my comment was a bit ā€œtongue in cheekā€, as Iā€™m going to need to resist the urge to go to deep into it (the limits being the cost for a better setup, and the cost and availability of the type of music that I would want to buy).

What is your new streamer?

I tested it a few months ago and then got a great deal on an ex-demo unit a couple of weeks ago.
Itā€™s been really enjoyable using it to tap into music that I havenā€™t heard in a long time and also discovering new music.

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Mike thatā€™s a damn good bargain for that 500, youā€™d get at least half that back for your current power amp.

Iā€™m interested in the surround system thatā€™s there as well.

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Letā€™s see how high it goes in the auction. I discussed it on another thread though, how it would result in having to upgrade the speakers and need a better room and setup to get the best out of it, which isnā€™t where I really want to goā€¦.

It looks like the 552 might go way cheaper then what I paid for mine, and I thought that was a bargain (though mine was 3 years old).

5 bidders on the 500 stuff already, so itā€™s anyoneā€™s guess where it will end up.

Funny stuff going on with the used market at the moment.

Mrs Mike has been to the travel agent today, pricing out a holiday to the Sunshine Coast, so that bag of cash is spoken for :flushed:

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Weā€™re up there at the end of August.

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Iā€™m worried that if we go to the Sunshine Coast, Iā€™m going to want to move there for good.

No Iā€™m willing to bet you wonā€™t. Lots of folk moved from Melbourne and Sydney during covid, think the place is overcrowded and house prices have jumped dramatically. Oddly enough Iā€™m not a fan of Qld, too many Queenslanders. :grin:


Been working on 2 paintings for my commission both of the same view just a different perspective. I cut one tree out completely (left hand side)


Both looking good Pete.
We will have to get back to discussing that commission when things have settled down here again.
Maybe after Christmas. :slightly_smiling_face:


Advice having been there mate

STOP NOW :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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If you become a Queenslander youā€™re out of my naim will :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:

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Second one I like Pete

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