The Grand Cafe

Tell me more so……

Also fantasising about a new toe-arm and MC for the TT….

And forfeit half his IQ :rofl::rofl:

Stop it :crazy_face::crazy_face:

I like both, for different reasons: the second one gives nice framing and perspective, but the scale of the first one really draws you into the landscape, so I think the Forest might be my favourite.

Ha ha

Before TT and cartridge recommendation would be to update the TT itself

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Ha ha indeed, but the one I have is the best asthetic match to my system, and good looks matter. I guess the question is whether it’s a worthwhile improvement and gets close enough to a better turntable, putting aside the question as to whether it’s the best value in strict dollar terms.

Yep tough decision for sure

I don’t know the Rega range very much so can’t say how far up the range one needs to go to get a beneficial SQ over the R3

They look good though I must admit

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they look great pete, are they oil? they seem a bit more textured than your normal acrylic.

Like both, the first one just wins it for me, love the panoramic view and more featured landscape :man_artist:

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No they’re acrylic I would love to use oils but I’m painting in the house.

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I honestly don’t know what to say.


Woof……….stick to the black boxes😉


We go to the movie tonight. Wife wanted Oppenheimer, I didn’t like heavy subjects so we go to Barbie instead.

Bless you……your children,i assume.

Wife daughter and another brigade of females dressed in pink.

Quite funny actually. My wife wanted to go to the movie with me, I changed the movie and suddenly everybody wanted to join.


:astonished::astonished: You really couldn’t change it to something else instead Arbeg? The death of Ingmar Bergman or whatever…:crazy_face:

There is another male in the theatre! I’m not alone!


but you know what to think

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It was most of the disturbing things I have looked at recently…
