The Grand Cafe

When Ian and I met Pete in London we all fell in love with Bertie, the pub’s GSD.


He was gorgeous and extremely well behaved. Got a couple of photos of him as well.


Hope this doesn’t cross any lines where politics are concerned, but a few weeks ago I went and bought a Christmas present for a friend , it was a bottle of sparkling wine from a local vineyard.

Yesterday I took a neighbour to the doctors , and parking my car I noticed a tree with black fruit which I couldn’t identify . I went and had a closer look and there were masses of the fruit on the car park floor - the tree was an olive tree .

Twenty years ago would I have thought we could see fruiting olive trees and a vineyard in West Berkshire ?


He is lovely , it was a great day .


Olives have become a bit of a thing here our climate seems to suit them.

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As I said on the day, back in my youth in the ‘70s I drank in a couple of pubs which had what we then tended to call alsatians as the pub dogs. It was normal practice back then to put a clean ashtray on the floor and put some beer in it, the dogs loved it and could be seen wobbling around later in the evening. Then we thought it was cute, now I look back and realise it was animal abuse.


We all did or have done something that in hindsight we regret. I’ve got a couple of ex wife’s that come to mind. :grin:


Things I remembered too late today - If you don’t want the pedestrian next to you to look at you and laugh, check whether the roof is up on the car before muttering “Just f***ing take your brake off” at the car ahead which hadn’t noticed the green light.


Only one that comes to mind so I’ve beat you :crazy_face::crazy_face:

Luckily nowadays the dogs have the beer of their own. Several options even… (Vuppe the dog’s beer)

Picture taken at the local pub.

I think it looks great. I love the way you have conveyed depth and space to the landscape.I’d love it in my house!

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Thanks @IDAK the 2nd painting which is slightly wider helped with composition (which was causing me some grief) and my clients have chosen it. It’s now complete there were some minor adjustments to the photo posted a few days ago. It’s now just waiting to be signed framed and delivered.


Hard to believe this was 40 years ago.

@Eoink I knew you had had a big health scare but had not appreciated the extent of what you have been through. I hope the biliary and pancreatic issues are sorted with the operation. All bcc the best.
I think, from a distance in NZ that the NHS is a wonderful institution that is criminally underfunded. We have a similar issue in NZ with our hospital having no increase in funding since 1990 with all the predictable consequences of long waiting lists and staff distress.


Finally some action the guys only started yesterday and already have about a 1/3 knocked down. It’s also rather ironic that we shot through to the Sunshine Coast for a week with my youngest daughter, great timing. :grin:


My wife and I will most likely only ever have small dogs as my sinuses are a real PITA. But if I ever do have a larger dog, it will be an Alsation/GSD. They are beautiful and exceptionally trainable.

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We couldn’t be there but I’m glad to report that the Gloucester Cockies Women’s Rugby side took out the district grand final.


I know I’ve said it before , but by heavens they breed 'em tough where you come from


Run before it’s too late

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View from Father’s Day lunch with the family.

Wishing all the fathers a happy Father’s Day.