The Grand Cafe

Happy Fathers Day @Pete_the_painter. I had a nice card and box of boutique beer chocolates for my present and a nice BBQ cooked breakfast.


Australia must be the on,y country where a Womenā€™s Rugby team would be called the ā€œCockiesā€ :joy::joy::joy:


Well technically itā€™s the Cockatoos. :grin:


Whatever the name, congrats on the win. And they arenā€™t even being paid $27 million a year each, which is actually what makes it worth watching and congratulating.
Would love to have seen the match. Was it televised? I donā€™t get many sports channels tho.

It was live streamed apparently but we didnā€™t to see it unfortunately.


Iā€™ll hafta research some of their games and schedule and see if I can see the odd match.

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Day 7 of the demo, funny Iā€™m more nervous about the old building coming down than the new one going up. :grimacing:


I think you mentioned that you are recycling the bricks, so that will slow things down. Looks close to being done though?

Iā€™m hoping itā€™ll all be down this time next week. The builder and his father work well so far so good. Weā€™re reusing the awning (a council thing) and theyā€™re working on that itā€™s a bit slow. Safety is always my first priority a product of working with trie one builders in Sydneyā€™s CBD. I have pull my head in sometimes as these country folk are more relaxed. :grin:

I only inspect once a day.

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@Mike_S have you listened to PFs Animals remix on your new streamer yet?

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Not yet Pete, I was thinking that yesterday. Iā€™ve the hi-res version on the Core and the Bluray, so it will be a good test.

Having a listen now, see how long before Iā€™m told to quietened things down for the night

Iā€™ve had 7 days with grandkids and Mrs Pete is out till 8pm. Iā€™m enjoying some listening.

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Weā€™ve MIL for the night after a minor operation on her hand :roll_eyes:. My Mum has ongoing health drama too. My brother was here for a few nights for her 87th birthday, we emptied half a bottle of single malt.


Drunkard Kiwis :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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My Manchesster buddy and I made the mistake of emptying a full bottle of Glenfiddich Solera Reserve, one short evening, and when I went to the loo which is right beside the bathtub, the shower curtain attacked me! (You can imagine the result).
Itā€™s been 3 years since, and I still endure wisecracks sometimes when I use their loo ā€¦ :upside_down_face:


Lifted the awning off this afternoon and found this under the facade.


Good one Pete

What are premises either side of you ? I guess retail stores of some sort ?

National Parks and Wildlife one side a bakery in the other. The bakery is probably the busiest shop in town.

The Garden of Roses Cafe bit wonā€™t come down till Monday. Iā€™m worried the heritage nannies will block the demo when they see it. Weā€™ve had people stopping and taking photos all afternoon.

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Sue them

Big night for a Swan supporter, halfway through the season they were gone.