The Grand Cafe

Hope everyone’s ok. :+1:

Gazza hope your story had a happy ending. @Ardbeg10y the best thing you can do for your daughter is just be there, but you always need to be a parent first. You become friends with your kids when they’re in their 20.

@Gazza the demo is finished, all that’s left is a pile of bricks (5000 of them) that just need cleaning, anyone want a working holiday. :rofl::rofl:

Finished just over budget due to keeping that concrete beam but well under the quotes I was originally given by demo specialist.

Prep work on the structure this week, we’re water boring a storm water pipe under the road next Friday.

That storm looks like one of our cyclones. :grimacing:


It was a few years back……it was bad cops with guns, then a good cop turned up to talk to her. Though the guys with guns made a point of telling us in front of our daughter…….do not hesitate to call, we are always just a few minutes away.
It was the turning point and she settled down, now has a degree and a good job.


All fine - just needed a break (and I am still a bit cross with myself for having an outburst at someone claiming diabetes is curable - though my wife and daughter both confirmed what I said was correct, I should have been a bit more gentle).

Haven’t missed you all too much (been busy with other things) so not entirely sure I will come running back… though I am touched by your concern

Being frank, I am still quite ticked off at some of the comments on my S1 pre thread, which is putting me off any similar posts in the future. Not that I am saying there could be any similar posts in the future…

Am not going 3x250 new, not doing 6x350 new either (no space for that)


Glad you are well…….don’t take all of the comments too seriously. I know who i can trust, some like to say things that they would not do face to face……its social media downside.
Hope the greenhouse worked out well, and your solar endeavours.



I know what you mean @TimOopNorth.
I made a point in a post recently that it is often rare to get a nice comment out of some people lately.
Great believer in the old phrase, ‘if you have nothing nice to say, just say nothing!
I valued your input, it would be a shame if you didn’t return. Although, totally understandable.


This is an image of Sycamore gap on Hadrian’s wall close to where I live. It was an iconic tree that has appeared in Hollywood films and popular with artists and photographers from around the world. It was also special to us locally.
Last night somebody decided to cut it down. I despair.

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I cannot believe a 16 year old could get their without somebody taking them there……and somebody training them how to use a chainsaw.
I guess its early in the Police investigation……but the penalty will be too lenient, for sure.


It’s what I thought. It doesn’t look like a random act of vandalism.


Only some really sad and sick person(s) could have performed such a dastardly deed.

Hopefully they find and punish the person or people who cut down the tree.


At first I thought it was a victim of the storm. Still hard to believe it was a deliberate act.

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Some storm to mark above and below on the trunk, and then clean cut it. :grinning:


You would think……hope there was a machine to clean bricks?

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I think I am also finding myself less interested in some major topic areas. The Nait 50 for example - whilst I can entirely believe that it can be enormous “fun” (having found a qute and nSats surprisingly fun a couple of years ago) I am not about to buy one because, well, what on earth would I do with it? And I just don’t “get” it perhaps because I have never had a Nait. That’s just an example and not intended to start any kind of discussion…


The greenhouse is generating some yummy tomatoes which are being eaten in salads and also roasted for soup.

The solar is going quite well but only just got the wind turbine integrated with it. A bit miffed the installer answered one of my questions after that with “you can only do that with a Tesla power wall” which they weren’t suppliers of when I ordered but now are :person_shrugging: Am doing my best to use all the generation but it’s amazing how often you can’t use all you generated and then on other days you don’t generate enough


Yebbut what conclusion can one draw if nobody responds to a post? :slight_smile:

(Mind the smiley)

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They’ve arrested a 16 year old boy for cutting down the tree. I’m not sure what punishment suits this stupid crime.

The only thing I’ve found this week is the more I know people the more I like dogs.


No doing it by hand, got a wire attachment that fits into my electric drill that makes easy work of most. I’m lucky that it a lime mortar and not concrete it comes off quite quickly.

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I found the best way to respond to a negative post is either answer with a polite tone or simply don’t engage. Some people think their opinions are more important than others and people some are just rude.


Most excellent Gazza, glad to hear it’s turned around and she doing well. We all want our kids to do well enough that they can be happy. She obviously has good support for whatever life throws at her.
Our daughters (3) are also thankful to have a solid foundation and support from us and their sisters.
Social media … mainly Whatsapp, allows them to stay very close with pics of hilarious grandchild stuff and the like. Espaecially since our youngest is in Victoria BC at the other side of our very wide country.


Y’know Tim, I get that completely. It’s bewildering how some posters can be so annoying and I believe they’re too thick to even realize it. A cure-all for me has been to have quite a large list of members here that I have on ignore … forever. (In preferences). That really has reduced the overall annoyance factor to a very low, and manageable level, as It alway seems to be these same people that behave this way.

It took me about six months or so to get the ignore list filled properly, but it’s well worth it. Life is just too short (well, at my age anyway) to suffer um, er … how shall I say … ****oles, or even just people with too strong an opinion. So, if someone here is being stupid, stick 'em on your ignore list … it’s truly a Godsend.

Btw, I think your greenhouse build actually incited my wife to have one at the new digs when we finally move house in a few years, so you’re having more of an affect on us than you think.

Hope all is well, otherwise.
All the best.