The Grand Cafe

I remember reading a few weeks back that a heat wave was coming your way. Y’know, I never used to read or think of news like that. It’s only since I’ve been hanging out with you lot that I’ve been interested in news from down under. Kinda cool, really.

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Yeah, thank God for that. Keeps things interesting.

It’s the problem living down here I’ve noticed on my trips overseas that we don’t generally get a lot of mention in the north. But it’s the same thing here the big guns and national news get all the press. Which isn’t help by the fact that local/regional news is under attack from social media and pricks like Murdoch who ride shotgun over “the” truth. Don’t know about where you are but there’s know no real regional news papers anymore theres no real people on the ground, it’s all sourced by social media and we all know how reliable that can be.

All bad news is broadcasted and they generally exploit the people it affects.

Climate and how it’s affecting us is big news, it is probably getting worse but it’s alway been a tough country not unlike Canada.


We’ve never stayed in an airport hotel before. We even have a sea view. Nothing between here and Australia. Starting to remember how far isolated from the rest of the world we are…,


Yep, isolation. The best and the worst thing about this part of the world.


When you said close you won’t joking. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

What times your flight?

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9:15am, with this silly 3 hours before check-in, hence the stay over. Actually, with so many variables and unreliability of our roads and Auckland traffic I think it’s the way to go.

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I think on balance, I’d take the isolation. Even living in a town is too much some times.

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Safe flight. Weather should be good.

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Very lucky we have a good local paper with a vigorous letters page, I’ve campaigned heavily using it.

A lot of people buy it for the letters .

In particular I’ ve used it get material out there , that may not make a story but informs.


We started to do that Mike. We were off to Gatwick airport one morning and a deer ran out in front of us……car nearly a write off. By the time the car was recovered and we got home, took the other car…….we missed the flight.
Had to rebook another on the way back to the airport. For early flights we overnight now. Have a safe journey.


That’s the kind of things I’m taking about and things we miss. I’m in a very smell town a few locals put together a few pages but I unfortunately they seem to think news is their gaol, it’s much simpler it should be community.

Most regions have lost that local connection. Damn internet. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Same here. There is just too much that can hamper a journey these days, no matter what the time is you are travelling.
Airport hotels are so much better these days than they used to be and it certainly reduces the travelling stress for early flights.


Better just to go to the pub :grinning:




How many bricks to go ?




:rofl::grin::rofl::grin::grin: 20 thank you, 4,980 give or take a few hundred.


It’s automated and down to your activity and the platform requirements. If your activity changes and say, for example, you stop reading as wide a variety of topics then it can see a Regular TL drop to just Member.

I’m back in economy :grin: