The Grand Cafe

Just go to a one box with the Muso 2 - best piece of kit Naim have produced.


Started plumbing work for the sewage, Iā€™m still aiming for winter (June) for our place but the gallery level probably wonā€™t be finished till spring (October). However I havenā€™t got my construction certificate which means technically I canā€™t start but that hasnā€™t stopped us from getting it ready. It helps that they are over an hour away and donā€™t come this side of the Pacific Hwy. :grin:

I didnā€™t realise how time consuming building would be, council has been a nightmare.


Iā€™ve got a gen 1 that I got for my 60th, itā€™s nine years old and apart from the odd network issue itā€™s been fine. Iā€™ve also got 2 gen 2 QBs.


I havenā€™t had a chance to listen to anything (except for in the car). Weā€™ve had guests and Iā€™ve been in grandparent duty at school and sport. Mrs Peteā€™s at work itā€™s a very hot evening Iā€™ve had 2 beers and Iā€™m going sit back and have a listen. :grin:

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Weā€™ve had a fire the last two nights, all day yesterday actually when it never got over 14Ā°C. I thought (hoped) we had the worst of the bad year (more now) of rain and storms, but alas, no it seems.

Actually, since returning from the Sunshine Coast we have had a few discussions about where else we might try living after the mothers have had their time and we no longer have ties where where we live now. Iā€™ve always loved NZ, but it has certainly slipped behind many places now for various reasons.


Iā€™ve often thought of running off to the South France. Sometimes itā€™s a case of the other manā€™s grass is always greener thingy.

We could all write a different story about home.

But fck Iā€™d still love to live in the south of France. :rofl::grin::grin:


Itā€™s funny, my step-dad (now dead 15 years) has a son who visited here about 20 years after they had been long separated. The son had sold a successful business in the UK for something like $70M dollars and has his main home in the south of France and a holiday home on some beach in the Caribbean with a flash launch. Unfortunately he never stayed in touch after visiting.


Letā€™s see if we can find him. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Letā€™s party crash somewhere in the south of France once Mike got the whereabouts. Croissants with red wine here I come!

(Day in the office ahead)


Coast or rural?

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Iā€™m surprised it is as few as 55% - it is just as easy to read as if everything were spelled correctly. Very interesting.


None of these making me feel special :rofl::rofl:


ā€¦ I feel the same about the UK. If we didnā€™t have two daughters and a host of grandchildren here, iā€™d probably opt for fulltime residence in Canada near our middle daughter an the other grandchildren.

Only problem is, she feels somewhat similar about Canada ā€¦

The ā€˜other manā€™s grassā€™ syndrome seems to be widespread sometimes !


Most here are lucky enough to have a home and a choice to move if we wanted however thereā€™s 1000s displaced people who have no choice.

Home I like to be here when I can.

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Back to brick cleaning today thankfully a friend has volunteered.


You have great friends, any pics of the chain gang appreciatedšŸ˜‚


Oft tempered by his cousin ā€œvariety is the spice of lifeā€ :sunglasses:


Many hands make light work :grin:


Itā€™s still perfect:

Probably not, but whatā€™s in the carton.