The Grand Cafe

Indeedy - normally kick it off at the end of November. If I go any sooner then I get complaints that it’s too soon and there might be more great albums to be released ( even though December only sees the release of crappy Xmas albums by Robbie Williams and the like :rofl:)

Cool; I already know my top 2😉

How’s that possible? Chris Stapleton doesn’t release until tomorrow :smile:

Bricks cleaned life back to normal. :grin:


Well done, taken a lot of hard work. Cold beer perhaps


Nomal ??

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Nomal? Is that a new brain teaser?

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Finally start on the building on Monday, the foundations/piers are costing us twice more than we allowed. Ground floor slab scheduled for early January.

God bless those engineers :grin: the building could be used for a bomb shelter.


Indeed, but trust those engineers. Foundations, and water proofing, are the two things you must absolutely get right.


Still mulling over my vinyl options. Might start a thread… just worried that @Bevo will join in and start on about a LP12 :smile::smile:


We’ve got about 40 piers at a depth on 2m. Then it has to be formed with concrete and block work.

Agree re water proofing I’ve seen too many commercial jobs go wrong.


Is it a concrete floor, or a timber floor suspended over the foundation?

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Both floors are concrete saves a lot of stuffing around with fire proofing a timber first floor. Ground floor was always concrete.


Haha Pete just got onto this

I’m lining up the responses - give me another few white wines on a hot night and you wont stop me :crazy_face:

I’ll email Harry now and get him to line up a LP12 for you

Trust me - you won’t regret it apart from your hip pocket :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Maybe @Pete_the_painter hasnt picked this up yet

Pete - just add the cost of the LP12 to your building cost mate

At the end of the day with the cost overruns it’s a drop in the ocean :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I suppose, in simple terms, what TT will get close to the ND555 at sensible money second hand ( or new).

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Only one Mike - Sondek LP12 or in a different mode one of the top of the range Rega ones

Silly money yes but until you’ve heard one you won’t believe it

It’s a money pit though , however having said that Harry has just refurbished a mates ( he comes from your hometown and also a Mike) LP12 with the korousel and a lingo 4 PS , tightened it all up and it sounds amazing I must admit . He has Dynavector electronics

It can be done reasonably cheaply


Oh no it can’t @Bevo
That’s just the hook you use to reel someone in :rofl:


Ha ha - no honestly I’m a tad surprised

It’s all about the dealer and what they can do - Harrys been at it for 35/40 years

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One idea is a used Rega Planar 10 if someone is trading in for a Naia.