The Grand Cafe

Meet a couple the other day the wife use to work on luxury private yachts. She meet a millionaire and moved up in the hills cause they think things are going to get worse. :scream:

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Sorry @Richard.Dane

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If you wanted to go for 3 boxes Pete maybe another option might be the NSS 333/NAC 332 /NC 250

Be interesting to hear if thatā€™s a better SQ than the 222 streamer with the NPX 200 PS

Naturally would be more expensive so hopefully it would be

The good thing Naim have done is being able to use the NAC 332 without a PS

Iā€™ve got a year to work that out. Iā€™ll listen at Harryā€™s before doing anything I can see him hiding already. :grin:

Iā€™ll let him know youā€™ll be knocking on his door in due course :crazy_face::crazy_face::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Iā€™ve got a building to build before that happens.

Indeed you have

Will the Harry get his own dedicated parking space at Peteā€™s place?

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For sure

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Happy as a pig in mud, sold my Atom Unitusever and my beloved Royds to a friends daughter who loves music. Parting with those Royds was like watching one of my kids leave home, Iā€™ve had them for 27 years.

Iā€™m happy to say theyā€™ve gone to a good home.


Well done Pete

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I know Iā€™m so glad his daughter pushed her mother out of the way for a Paul McCartney ticket. :grin:

Edit I forgot and she lives in Balmain.

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Yes, certainly an excellent outcome with such great stuff, especially the beloved speakers.


I thought itā€™d be easy to bundle them up as a complete system doing the same with my surround setup.


I always want my ex audio equipment to go to a good home , the two things I regret involve my LP 12 , traded in and then promptly broken for spares and my Ruark Sabres.

I gave them away to someone who blew them up , Lord knows how.


And what about that CD555 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Definitely I donā€™t want those speakers going somewhere they donā€™t appreciate them.


Opps, that was Bevo :roll_eyes:

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Iā€™ve been meaning to start a thread about planning for moving a system on as oneā€™s time approaches ā€¦.

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