The Grand Cafe

That CD555 went to a really good home Mike, know him very well

I’m first in line if he ever wants to sell it, I bloody well miss it

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There’s so many threads I can’t keep up.

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I have two Cd players, Uniti Qute and a Nait 50, with one pair of speakers. So the makings of two systems.

I know who they are to go to and which bits to the relevant person.


Heard a joke the other day that doesn’t merit going on the appropriate thread but posting here just to hear @Pete_the_painter groan.
On an Australian cookery show somebody made a meringue and everyone cheered, which is strange because they usually Boo-Meringue.
I’ll take my leave.


To be honest it’s no worse than a lot of jokes there.


That’s about as funny as a fart in a wetsuit. I had to read it a couple of times before I worked it out (it is 6am here).

And top of the evening/morning.


Got 18 people coming for dinner tomorrow night (a BBQ) and apparently the forecast is rain.


Thats good……cools it down like blighty, or something more wet?


Normally I’d agree we always welcome rain but we’re meant to be eating outside as 20 people will not fit in our dinning room.

Good morning/evening
And when everyone has had a few drinks at the bbq why not run that joke up the flagpole and see who salutes it :joy:

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Ooh, not good, hope it goes well, the forecasting over here is not that accurate🤞🏽

I have 3 weather apps it’s not uncommon for all 3 to be different. I generally rely on the one with the better forecast.


Grumpy I’m as happy as a dentist at the Royal Easter Show.

It’s always odd we deal with different timelines here my morning is your night certainly makes understanding people harder.


I’ve edited post

Tell the guests it could have been a “brick” cleaning party, if it rains😬

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Why. Maybe I was grumpy and I’ve been called a lot worse usually before I get out of bed. :grin:

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That’d make catering easy cause only about 4 would turn up.

We discovered some more bricks and I’ll be back cleaning on Monday and Tuesday. :grin:


Hope you had a good BBQ ,

best wishes


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Guess there’ll be on One on One going on here anymore.

Interesting development.