The Grand Cafe

What a load of old tosh summed up by the comment in the article

“Why is Hall suing Oates?

We don’t know”

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Have you ever watched on YouTube Daryl Hall in the house , where he brings in special guests literally to his house and a resident band ?

Location somewhere in the mountains/ countryside

It’s really very good and has just come back for another series after 5 years

Highly recommended


No tbh I don’t watch a lot of YouTube but I’ll check it out

It’s really quite good - there is a concert with Shelby Lynn which is excellent

Excellent resident band I must say

I enjoyed a clip of Robert Fripp playing some Crimson stuff. Unlikely buddies, but Fripp and Daryl go back years.


Hanging curtains.


Great interior love the rug.

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Found this at a friends place apparently it’s from a 2m carpet python called Elvis that’s lived on their property for a few years. Normally the skins break while they’ve being shed.


I noticed, and really liked the rug as well …

Yep it’s pretty classy.

My eldest daughter and her partner are on this cruise and like most are fuming, she feels like they’re been kidnapped. I suggested she should organise the passengers to mutiny. :grin:

I’ve never wanted to cruise on one of these floating Petrie dish.


Yeah same here, Pete. I’ve never wanted to go on a cruise, even before all the weird bad s*** started happening on cruise ships.

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It’s my idea of hell, a floating RSL club.


A dirty hull according to the article. Unfortunately NZ has developed a reputation for not welcoming visitors. Heck, our last Government wouldn’t even let Kiwis home during the pandemic to be with dying parents and children.

Yeah but there’s no excuse for them not cleaning their ships properly or a reason to treat passengers like hostages. You couldn’t drag me onto one of those ships.


We had friends on a Mediterranean cruise this year who were less than impressed. Ship could not get into one port due to bad weather, they then watched as other ships did manage. They then went off to another port only to get a note under the door overnight……the ship had not booked a berth in advance so could not dock…….they were livid.


This cruise is doomed as well, Bec said they were 10 hours late getting into Hobart due to large swells. Apparently they’ve been stuck on the boat for over a week (until they finally arrive in Hobart).


Fresh food will be getting low!

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That’s another sore point apparently they’re having to pay for additional wi fi packages just to keep in contact with family/friends.

This is the same company that delivered passengers with covid during the lockdown. It was responsible for this biggest outbreak in Aus.


I suppose it’s the sort of thing that if it goes bad, it can go real tits-up :flushed: