The Grand Cafe

It could get worse there’s always an iceberg :rofl::rofl::rofl:


In addition, cruising is probably one of the most environmentally unsound ways to go holiday. Huge CO2 output and not good for the sea


I’ve never been on a cruise, but have been on their ferries. We now always just book DFDS. Maybe a bit less fancy, but much better service. Even if I were interested in a cruise I’d avoid this particular company.

An example is that recently we arrived 30mins after check-in officially closed. We were let on nonetheless and were still getting out of the car when the hatch was closing.

With P&O we’ve arrived minutes (a minute?) late in the past and then got to watch our ferry being loaded for another 20-30 min. while we were made to wait for the next one.


My Star has a hardware fault after a power cut and Naim says it needs to be returned for a repair. So I went to our local electronics service, mainly to see if they an old A60 to tie me over, which they do for $260. Anyway, it transpires that they are a service agent for the new Naim distributer Westan, so may be able to get local serving in future - currently Naim won’t supply parts to anyone here. Anyway, I’ve left the Star for them to check out to see whether its a minor repair without any Naim parts, otherwise I’ll look at an insurance option.

And then I saw this in their used display…


What a sensational bargain that looks to be Mike :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:

Mrs Mike may not be happy though as you’ll then be on the upgrade treadmill​:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Worth it though I reckon

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I was about to spend more than that on a MC cart for the Rega 3… Just playing first LP now…


Oh you bought it ???


Yep, my mate who has a LP12 went and checked it out for me and said “grab it”. If I didn’t want it later he’ll buy it off me.


Sensational purchase I would think

I’ll give you a list on what you should now do to it ha👍



And the great news is that Harry has just posted his continued commitment as a Naim dealer with the 333 and 332 shortly to be in the store


Dealer reckons a Lingo PS.


Never doubted it, I’ve walked over to the pub to celebrate. After almost 18 months we have our DA/construction certificate and to make the day even better my bank found my $9.6k that has been missing since August.


If you can push yourself get the Lingo 4 and the karousel

2 important components a must have , anything else can wait

Mate of mine has those installed by Harry and he’s over the moon he can’t believe the SQ

Good one Pete have one on me ha :+1:

Good news on cash being found

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Well, this one sounds rather good already, quite a step up from my beloved Rega 3.

Have to say navigating council maze of departments that don’t talk to each other and their inability to manage their own processes was the most challenging and annoying thing I’ve ever had the misfortune to be involved in.


Been there twice in Sydney Reno’s Pete

Never again

Yes, a lot of these things have morphed over time to become burgeoning bureaucracies and are out of control and add no value. It needs to change.


I choose to annoy the fck out of them in the last month think they’ll be glad to see the back of me. They held us up for a month because they put a condition in our DA that was a mistake.

Foundations start on Monday, ground floor slab (hopefully) poured last week in January.

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The last Reno in Birchgrove, the next door neighbours agreed to plans and then objected . She worked for the Leichhardt Council the b****h.

I got a barrister involved and put plans in motion to take her and the Council to the High Court - plans got promptly approved ha

The great outcome is they then sold and I got fantastic kiwi neighbours we are still great friends and socialise a lot