The Grand Cafe

And this is how it starts. A young unhampered thing from the eighties comes on one’s path looking nice and uncomplicated. Then over time it appears to be expensive and all you try seem to give nice results but there is no fundamental change.


There must be a way around it in rural communities. Speaking for my place: involve someone from the local firefighter volunteers. They come together to train on Thursday evening and one you’ve something pressing make sure one of the discusses it. The processes will not be circumvented but it seems that this method adds oil to the process so that it simply works.

I can understand why. For these guys it’s a lot of paperwork too and one talking in a relaxed way seems to work.

Anyhow, that’s how it seems to work locally. Keep neighbours happy and it’ll be fine.

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If you thought upgrades were a Naim forte……Linn take it to the next level😂


I could go both routes, a Superline on the 552 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. Nah, just bought a lovely Heed phono a while back. This was a bargain, so here we are. Vinyl will always be a secondary source for me. Promise Sir.


I’ve got the superline on one of my LP12’s

The LP12 started out as Harry’s demo Linn Majik worth about $4k

Don’t go on this trek Mike - today it has cost me over another $40k all up with all the upgrades and it’s totally worth it it gives me enormous pleasure

So as I said previously go Karousel and Lingo 4 ( maybe tramplin base if hasn’t got that only $300) and stop there for a breather for years

It’s fun


Nice try, but i think we have already lost him in the labyrinth of rabbit burrows😥


Actually, I think I’ll be safe, it’s a very nice TT as it is. Let’s see what happens with the munted Star, an insurance payment might have to be reinvested somewhere…

I mean, the LP12 was $1,299 and my mate will buy it if I don’t want to keep it. It was less than the MC cart I was going to buy. What’s a man to do?


No its a great TT and a great buy. And if you look it as a passion and hobby you enjoy every day, why not upgrade the deck?


It looks great, it’s an upgrade on your P3, your mate says it’s a good buy.



I was worried that you would see this discussion @bruss


Lol. I’m good at giving advice. It’s a displacement activity for what I can’t avoid myself. :grin:


It sure does I’ve got a meeting with the GM of our council. I intend to let him know just how difficult it is to deal with them.

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Fantastic ha :+1:

Wow … that’s an excellent price for that combination, Mike. You must have been one of the first people to see it. So nice when that happens …

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Well yes, there is some truth to the unenviable complication then a turntable and cartridge can impose on one’s audio system. At least Mike already has a turntable, albeit a somewhat simpler one …

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Sage words, Mike.
Sounds like @Gazza has been that route before.


That one is a beauty. Fluted plinth too. Very nice.

Happy listening.

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Finally finished my second commission yesterday. The view these people have is spectacular and a little intimidating as well. The wall it’s going on doesn’t have a lot of space so the painting is only 720mm x 610mm which really isn’t big enough to highlight the scale of their property.


Gee I know you guys are shivering in the north but we’re about to melt. Saturday long range forecast is 40c , thankfully after a southerly change Sunday will be a comfortable 25c.