The Grand Cafe

I’ve just been fueling the car.

Around 0 Celsius and a tiny layer of snow. Nice to see anyhow!


We live in different worlds :grin:


We actually need a bit of cold to kill bugs et cetera. It’s good for the nature.


We’ve got the opposite those bugs are breeding constantly. :grin:


Supposedly 41 degrees here on Saturday , not looking forward to that at all

Pretty hot and humid today about to meet couple of ex work colleagues for 100 beers at the revamped Jackson on George Circular Quay - too many corporate animals around here for me

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42 here on Friday and Saturday, lucky we’re having lunch with friends at Shelly Beach on Friday. Saturday we’ll be indoors with the air con on.

Getting confused on the LP12 options @Bevo. Dealer says add Lingo 4 PS, Karosel, Kore and Trampolin. Would get close to Seleckt spec at a much lower price. Bit spendy. Maybe that’s what needed to get close enough to the ND555 to want to use it regularly. I’ve been enjoying the LP12 and just compared some vinyl to hi-res files on the ND555 for the same recordings, and the ND555 is way ahead :flushed:. Maybe I should start a thread. Maybe I shouldn’t.

Ha ha please don’t start a thread you’ll get bashed up from both sides

For you just do lingo 4 and karousel and leave it alone for a number of years

Next would be trampolin and Kore and finally cartridge


LP12 upgrades make Naim look like a gentle stroll in the park.

Should have stuck with a Rega :flushed:, but the darn LP12 is just gorgeous :sunglasses:

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Least you can probably get Linn parts out in this neck of the woods….! :crazy_face: :rofl: :roll_eyes:


Leave the Ittok arm? It certainly looks the business.

What was the outcome for your daughter with the NZ cruise debacle, did they get refunded?


She and her partner (with 2/3s of passengers) ended up with covid. She’s slowly getting better at home.

The company has refunded half their fares and are getting punished by the public and press. It was a disaster.


Gosh……the covid after all that

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Yep, they handled that poorly as well. They were stuck on the boat and would even given then free internet to contact family.

Edit just spoke her they’ve refunded the full amount under press of legal action.


Better than nothing, but 12 days of your life wasted😥


Mike your next upgrade awaits you. A2A is selling a pair of Focal Grande Utopia EM worth $335,000 for $87,100. A massive saving of $247,900. They are demos which usually means they’re run in.

I’m looking forward to your photos in the appropriate thread. :grin:


Personally you could not give them to me…….but some will of course like them. I cannot get on with the top end of the sound.


I’m with Gazza on this one :+1:

Seems to be the general consensus. :grin:

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