The Grand Cafe

The Statement is still there. A veritable bargain. Unless you need to get parts in the future….


Or a house. :grin:


Yeah, can’t see the boys from Naim coming round to personally unpack and install that one as seems to often happen back in the UK….
In fact, I wonder if anyone from A2A would even bother, now that they’re no longer officially a dealer……Would they just send it Aus Post…?! :crazy_face:


And then there is the Solstice sitting there, meant to be installed and set up by the dealer. Just imagine getting that……

There was one sitting out on the bench at the Perth store a few weeks back, still may be for all I know….Apparently it was purchased (deposit paid) by somebody who had also grabbed a few of the 500 items in the sale, was just putting it all together over time as he had the funds….But was seemingly happy for it to be out on display in the store……Not sure I would be!

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Mmm wrong thread? :rofl::rofl:


Hey, I just gave him a like :smile::smile:

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Well that was wasted. :grin:

Cause I’m untrustworthy I only get a limited number.

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Talking of which, I want all my Likes back from the ‘culled’ thread…! :flushed::rofl:

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Sorry it was my idea to can it, Richard has a hard enough job without me making it worse.

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Fair enough….
Yes, I like and respect Richard….my issue isn’t there, it’s the bigger picture/companies……
Besides, it’s not you Pete….



Sorry Mike, it’s in the right place now😉

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Which thread was that then?
Have I missed a good bit of ‘controversy’…:wink:

Just one about my broken NDX2

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Oh, that probably branched out into dealer issues. I think I maybe understand why you took it down now…:face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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Not so much ‘Dealers’, as the current situation re Distribution and Service Support in this part of the world….the Dealers are probably suffering just about as much as customers at present……
Anyway, we shall await it seems, yet longer……


I can only offer sympathy for your situation.
Let us hope that 2024 brings the Antipodean communities a solution :crossed_fingers:t3:


Yeah, I heard that long term Naim owners in AU/NZ are going to be given a 40% Discount Voucher in early ‘24 for new purchases to make amends for the whole mess….
And as an added bonus, if being made a Aussie Citizen on Australia Day, they’ll also throw in a free Solstice with a bow on top…… That’s what I’m hoping for anyway! :grinning::gift:

