The Grand Cafe

Agree - the guy that bought it a few years ago is a local and no better than the slobs that frequent it

Unfortunately nothing going to happen there unless he goes bankrupt . He bought it from John Singleton who wasn’t much better

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Gish i would melt in those temps.

Like all things you kinda get use to it, you quickly learn to do what you need to earlier in the day and lock yourself up in air conditioned comfort till the sun goes down.

I’ve closed my site till Monday it’s not worth heat exhaustion.

In saying that I’d struggle with an English climate I hate cold weather.

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So do we…!
I can just about get through the hot ones, though admittedly when you get a run of 40’s it’s sapping….
It’s the UV I’m wary of – through the roof, literally I guess….

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Yep I like warm weather but when it starts heading north of mid 30s it is a challenge. Thankfully we do get a lot of days like that and when we do it comes in blocks.

Funny, I don’t mind it, still now…It’s one of the things I like about going back…and I also appreciate proper seasons, the ways things change….
I’ve always quite enjoyed the cold…though admittedly as I get older you appreciate the warmth increasingly……
I do a fair amount of work with my father (Site Manager/Builder) doing my own network installs on sites, and always quite enjoy the winter on site…though 6am starts when it’s like -6° and you have to de-ice the van is always a bit ‘fresh’ ……Only thing I really don’t like is when your hands/fingers are so cold they stop working and you’re all thumbs….!


I had to go to London for business in the early 2000s in February and found it miserable. Walking through rain that looked like mist but within minutes your soaking wet. You then walk into a building and your glasses fog up. We also took a trip on the Eye visibility was about 2 metres the only thing I can remember was there was an attendant in the car whipping the glass.


Think it’s beer o’clock :rofl:


Yeah, sounds about right….
I lived in central London for 11+ years, before that Oxford….
Horizontal rain….
But on ‘good’ moments, there’s a certain atmosphere that goes with it all that can be quite magical, especially in London….Siting in a warm bar, looking out the window as the city moves by……

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Its always that time somewhere in the world👍


Don’t get me wrong I love London just we normally go in your summers which sometimes is like our winters.

Summers are, more often than not, a damp squid in London and the UK….
BUT, when you get a true great Summer’s day in London….Nothing touches it….I’ve always said that, and I’ve travelled a fair bit of the world plus lived in a number of cities….
London, on a barmy August evening, bars spilling out onto the street….Amazing.

Can’t disagree but the South of France comes close.

Been to Perpignan by chance…? Nice spot in the world….Used to go there regularly each year…Lovely evenings, cafe/bars in the squares…

Where’s Mike ? I think we’ve lost him to Sondek world…. :rofl:


He’s probably planning his next upgrade. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Just spotted a nice Armageddon for sale in Vic, what do you reckon @bevo versus a Lingo?



Lol, but it’s almost a quarter the cost of a Lingo, and it’s a Naim……

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I thought we were boycotting Naim at present…?! :flushed::man_shrugging: