The Grand Cafe

Mike I’m not your wife, go for it. Bevos drinking in a pub by the time he gets to answer he probably won’t know what he’s saying. :grin:


A quick search of the forum suggest the Lingo 4 is the way to go….

Mike we have a rescue plan………first part is a cold can of beer on the end of the rescue rope😉


Maybe there is something wrong with the beer, as he’S typing :beer::sunglasses:

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Well he is a Kiwi.


Back to the Armageddon………would the chap who fixed the ndx2 be able to service the Armageddon?

It’s probably the Australian beer. Not strong enough. Mind you, I was impressed with the liquor shop in Coolum Beach, three beer fridges of craft beer, three did I say three :sunglasses::beer::sunglasses::sunglasses::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Sure it wasn’t sex.


My mate with the LP12 has an Armageddon, so an install could be done for a beer. Not sure about servicing though.

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Seems Bevo has got lost typing……dropped his phone in the Aussie Beer I guess…!


Just they are quite old……just wondering why the seller is moving it on?


The beer, or the service :flushed:

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Judging by the time taking to reply, I think this is going to be expensive Mike…! I’d mute Bevo….:rofl:


He’s also selling an LP12 with Aro, @Bevo shoukd buy it, he’s in Australia :+1:


Asking $1k.

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Really, I might be interested in that….

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Rye, in Victoria.

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No, where do I find the listing/details…?! :crazy_face:

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It was probably his round and being a Kiwi, he’s left the bar :thinking:


Excellent question Mike

The experts reckon the armaggden is a bit long in the tooth these days belonging to a past era.

I use one on my LP12 ARO arm and there is great synergy between the two. I really like it, has a lovely musical style with a bit of swing to it.

On the other hand the Lingo 4 is probably more accurate and extracts a bit more detail and accuracy and has the advantage that it plays 45’s , Armageddon only one speed

On my other Sondek the LP12 40th anniversary I have the Radikal PS ( up from the Lingo 4) and I also enjoy that with bags of detail and speed .

In your situation I would say go with the Lingo 4 which maybe has it slightly over the Geddon , they just present the music differently. I’m also saying go with Lingo 4 as my mate’s LP12 is same vintage as yours and it sounds quite remarkable after Harry gave it a going over and installed the Lingo 4 and Karousel