The Grand Cafe

The only thing I’d do is consider reducing my box count which I may do after I’ve built our place.

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Good move

The only way I’ll do any upgrade is to sell one of my turntables and not sure I really want to do that , besides the market is very limited to the top range Sondeks

Just stepped outside it’s like being in a tumble dryer god knows what it’ll be like this afternoon.

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Same here just walked 100 metres to cafe had quick bite

Blast furnace out there , nuts , I hate this much heat

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Currently 37 degrees going up to 42 by 2/3 pm

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Nudging 26°C here now :sunglasses:

That’s not much higher than it was overnight here. The heat moved across from WA it might be heading to you guys.

Yeah, we sent it away…!

Currently 19° here, though not sure that’s quite right….Should be 26–28° later this afternoon….

But super windy, crazy….Fire bans across lots of WA today….

Check out Melbourne – like a different country. Really erratic through the next week or so…

You’d almost self combust here outside at the moment. Everyones indoors with air-con on max so you can expect a blackout later.

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How weird is that 17c that’s more than half the temperature here.

Exactly! Crazy…Rain too.

Guaranteed. Happens here all the time….I swear as well that Western Power are ‘selective’ in where they ‘rationalise’ and cut off when they’re under strain– we’re up in the Perth Hills on the fringes of the city, I think we’re expendable….Strangely, the CBD never seems to have any power cuts….

Luckily I’m in the middle of town hopefully we’ll dodge it.

Nothing in the forecast. We usually get the heat from a northwesterly off a heat wave in Queensland. Pools looking good for the afternoon.

The only you’re likely to get from Qld at the moment is wind and rain.

Now predicting storm here later on - 39 but humidity making it more like 42 and weather forecast app never lies :flushed::flushed::crazy_face::crazy_face:

I have 3 weather apps and generally rely on the one with the forecast that suits. :rofl:

Oddly enough sometimes all 3 can have a different outcome.

I use one main weather app to check the weather here called The weather Network. I think some seasons or times of the year must be more predictable than others because they’re absolutely bang on sometimes for a full two week period prediction, and then occasionally they’re quite inaccurate and my best way of checking the weather is to look out the window.
So anyway, certain weather patterns must be more predictable than others, I figure.

Mine are often incorrect but generally close enough for you get an idea.

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