The Grand Cafe

Getting there by boat and then walking looks appealing, if it was not so hot.

Yep youā€™d have in the dark :grin:

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As you know Pete I donā€™t own a car these days so Iā€™m doing my bit for the environment :grinning::grinning:

Also I donā€™t see the congestion ( apart from one I saw which Iā€™ll explain) as Iā€™m on the bus into CBD at 5.30am and out of CBD at 3/3.30pm.

On the Sunday before spaghetti western opened on the Monday, Harry did a dry run so to speak from the Bay Area through to Victoria Road to Anzac Bridge . He said the trick is to stay on the outer lane so he reckoned OK but crashes happening as drivers have no idea where theyā€™re going .

One chaotic situation my brother and I saw was we were in cab going to Enmore for a few via Johnson St Annandale . They are now feeding 3 lane Johnson St into one lane overpass going onto Anzac Bridge - get that one mate you should have seen the bank up of cars , nuts. Smart bugger thought of that one I must say!!

The overall situation is there are now 12 lanes feeding into 4 lanes Anzac bridge whereas before it was about 6/7 lanes.

The upside is , talking to cabbies , one can now get to the airports from Balmain/Rozelle in 15/20 minutes

Yes chaotic but it does appear to be getting a bit calmer


Connections to a new motorway is it?

Yes Mike

Tunnels in all directions

Hasnā€™t finished it - over the next 3/4 years there is another tunnel under the harbour from Balmain/Rozelle linking us inner Westies with the lower North Shore knobs :crazy_face::crazy_face::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Yes yesā€¦hence why I didnā€™t say any more Bossā€¦!

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What is it with Aussie road planningā€¦?! :roll_eyes::rofl:
I donā€™t know well what itā€™s like over East, but Iā€™m constantly scratching my head in WAā€¦.Unlike virtually any other country, whole heaps of space and unused land, yet they seem to just make crazy decisions and a mess of planningā€¦slip roads feeding into roads just before another slip road that everybody is trying to get over to the left forā€¦! I swear they just throw bits of string onto a map or make pretty shapes and then follow thatā€¦!
You can also tell they must have a tonne of excess cash in WA, as thereā€™s just road planning schemes and works everywhere these daysā€¦.

Still, doesnā€™t make much improved difference ā€“ nobody can drive in WA it seemsā€¦.Too busy tailgating on your arse to careā€¦! :roll_eyes:
And nobody knows what a Roundabout is for hereā€¦.!

Loved the statement made by someone form the roads department telling the residents that when the new tunnel opens in 5 years time all will be resolved. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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I guess thatā€™s the nature of big cities that have grown way beyond the original planning. Far better to live in small regional towns :sunglasses::beer:

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Speaking of big cities Iā€™ve just arrived on the outskirts of Sydney by train on my way to see Lloyd Cole tonight.

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Cool. Didnā€™t realise he was touring.

Weā€™ve got The War On Drugs here this eveningā€¦ :+1:

You going? Great band.


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Issue is Mike Aussies are in love with cars so every household has 2 of them - itā€™s the American way we may as well be the 53rd state of USA ( or whatever number they are up to ) and the vehicles are getting bigger. I get the sh**s when people winge about the price of petrol

Public transport hasnā€™t kept up with population growth so itā€™s a double whammy

You either live close to the CBD where public transport is very good or get out and go to major regional towns

Itā€™s only going to get worse

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Well I did the right and caught a train down. You post is partially correct but itā€™d help if the public transport was up to scratch. These inter city trains Iā€™m on Iā€™m sure there the same ones that Neville Wran ordered in the 70s.

And the rest!ā€¦Iā€™ve seen houses with 4ā€“5 cars parked outside. Never understood itā€¦.

So so true. Those bloody RAMs and Ford F150sā€¦:roll_eyes:
And as for the love of SUVsā€¦.I dread being around our area when the school run is on ā€“ crazy driving by harried women (typically, not always of course) having conversations with their kids in the rear mirror and not even looking at the roadā€¦.normally supping on a drinks bottle at the same timeā€¦ā€¦

Whatā€™s wrong with that Iā€™ve just ordered a Ram 1500.


Just kidding I think theyā€™ve hideous. :grin:

What makes me laugh, is that you rarely see the likes of them being used as actual work vehiclesā€¦theyā€™re always immaculate!