The Grand Cafe

Sorry - that was from the Ministry of the Bleedin’ Obvious


Mrs Pete back in hospital today for her op tomorrow.

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All the best for her Pete.

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We canceled our two day pre Christmas break that was due today when Miss Mike woke up sick. Stuck at home rather than cocktails and dinner by the beach.

Hope all goes well. :crossed_fingers:

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There’s lots around at present. Hope she’s ok.

She’s picked up, probably a 24hr tummy bug. Will defer the break to mid January after the summer peak. Need to go, it’s our business do :sunglasses:



Sydney CBD is nuts at the moment, only tomorrow in there for work and then Thursday work from home in Balmain

Can’t wait to get out of the hassle

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No such worries in downtown Gloucester

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Reeve it up mate ha :crazy_face:

Thinking strong happy thoughts to both of you.
Hope all goes well.


WOW! It seems nobody is getting an easy time of it this Christmas. I’ve woken up with full blown Covid symptoms, so not managed to dodge the bullet after all.:face_with_diagonal_mouth::sneezing_face::mask:
Take it easy everyone and stay/get well.


I concur with @seakayaker on this. I think you both need to be banned from stepping outside the house and from participating in any activity involving electricity. Sending best wishes to both of you for speedy recoveries!

Look on the bright side. You will have to self isolate in the garden room! Get well soon. :+1:

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And it seems the network grinch has got me by the short and curlies as well my system is down. I’ve reset it all and still nothing. It seem my Netgear Orbit is trying to tell me something.

Storms there Pete ?

Thunder lightning just hit here - system turned off completely

Hope it goes well.

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Best wishes, not nice at all🤞🏽

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No she’s going to end up with a plate/screws. She’s not very happy at all also the problem is the older you get the longer it takes to heal.


We’ve been getting since around 1.30 this afternoon, there’s thunder and lightning everywhere. However it’s not what’s causing me an issue it’s the bloody Netgear Orbi router.