The Grand Cafe

Well i guess thats one less for the Aussie team……the England team needs all the help it can get.:joy:

I was lucky, my test was negative. I’m just having a very serious cold apparently. Still in bed. My voice has lowered 2 octaves and I sound very sexy.

Good luck.


Netgears are usually good but not cheap.

How’s the hiring of the nurse going?

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I’ve had to wait till Sue was in hospital so I could pick her unimpeded. :grin:


Let’s hope that’s all it is AB.
I tested negative 48 hours ago…:face_with_peeking_eye:

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That’s a bummer for her Pete, I hope all goes as well as it can.

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Gee that’s 6 hours I’ll never get back. Had a network problem yesterday that caused me to eventually reset my Netgear Orbit system. It’d been running just on the satellites for a week or so I finally decided to fix it. Started about 7.30 last night gave up in frustration around 1am. Woke up around 6 and thought I’d finally fixed it only to realise I’d set in bridge mode (whatever that means). Took me another 2 hours to get it up and running. After resetting passwords etc everything was how it should be, except for one device you guessed it the Muso QB. That required another 1/2 hour or so to get going.

I’m sure things were so much easier in 1972.


Yes, we had record players :sunglasses:


And in 1970, the arm on my record player had a penny taped on the headshell for all those extra grams it needed. :upside_down_face:
Its funny … I wasn’t aware of the enormous amount of extra grams in PSI (or gsi, I suppose), that the heavy penny was exacting on the needle tip, but I knew there were 28.4 grams in an ounce. (Being the 70s, and all).

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I have no idea whatsoever what you are talking about but whatever it is I’ll never go there :crazy_face::crazy_face::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::grinning::grinning:

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Best to stay ignorant, like every thing else it’s fine when it’s working and fcking horrible when it’s not.

Most astonishing thing I know nothing about mesh networks and I did eventually fix it.

Sue’s surgery was successful and hopefully she’ll be home tomorrow.


Great news Pete.

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Excellent news

Raining in Sydney?

It’s 23c here and a nice steady rain that’s cooled everything down.

Good review of your speakers Pete on HiFi Choice

Harry has posted the summary version on his Facebook

I don’t have Facebook but luckily I do get HiFi Choice

I have Facebook but no friends ha !!!

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Oddly enough that doesn’t surprise me. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I’ve just had a look at my latest edition and I can’t find it.

Ha ha

My view is if I want to talk to my pals I’ll ring them and vice versa

Some good topics on Facebook though but a lot of crap also

Not sure what HiFi choice monthly it’s in

Finished work for year?