The Grand Cafe

I’ve decided to take a break from this place for awhile, think we all benefit from some clean air.

I’ll take this time to wish everyone a happy and safe Christmas and NY.

If you’ve got my private email address I’d still love to hear from you now and then, if you don’t ask Richard it’s ok by me.

Take care.


Happy Christmas Pete, I hope you and Sue have a better run of luck than you’ve had recently. Enjoy some lovely Langmeil wines.


A very Happy Christmas and fantastic New Year, Pete. Hurry back, but have a good break.


Have a good time Pete. You’ve lots of things to worry about like the recent health issues and the new house. Wishing you all the best and a good Xmas & new year.

Oh, we’ll try to keep this civilised grand cafe open but our first priority is to pillage the wine cellar in your absence.

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Pete, I hope you have a Christmas you won’t forget and a New Year you can’t remember. Stay safe, try and keep out of harms way (that goes for you both). I will look forward to reading about your capers and the build when you return.

@Richard.Dane would you please be so kind as to supply @Pete_the_painter email address?


I already wished you a Merry Christmas, so just enjoy the season, the family, the food, and the drinks.
Here’s hoping the new year brings you a house.

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Hi Pete,

I hope that you, Mrs P and your family have a good Xmas and that next year will bring happiness and prosperity.

Enjoy your break from the Forum. I look forward to your return whenever that might be. Perhaps you might wish to just make an occasional post now and again, if that takes your fancy, without feeling obliged to make it into a full come-back for a while.

Meanwhile, take of yourselves

All the best,

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Best wishes to all. Xmas eve here and mild but windy. Hope Pete and his wife recharge their batteries……hope for a great new year with the rebuild.


Merry Xmas and best wishes to all…
Best to @Pete_the_painter @Mike_S @Gazza and @Bevo ….Hope you’re all having nice days….


Fruit Mince Pie and some Rosé, that’ll do me for lunch…! :grinning:


Merry Christmas, looks amazing. Damp and grey here I’m afraid. Pretty relaxing day, had Christmas Eve dinner with a brother, his wife and our mum. Lots of beer, slow cooked leg of lamb and a glazed ham. Quite family day at home today, now at MILs for dinner.

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Sounds lovely Mike. NZ lamb – that’ll do!

Me and Mrs. SC are just having a very simple one this year, just the two of us, simple hotel at the beach, everything stripped right back and chilled….Nice to do sometimes…:grinning:

Times I go back to UK and have Xmas/NY with family and extended etc – love it and the festive nature of the northern hemisphere, but always leaves me knackered…!

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That looks very nice…….people watching on a sunny day with a glass or two👍

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It’s been a great day thanks S.C

Family, friends, nephews , nieces all talking rubbish - no punch ups though :crazy_face:

But need a lie down now

Cheers S.C hope you had a great one also


Once in the year I drive to Germany just to get a curry wurst.


I don’t seek it out especially, but I do have a rule that I can’t be in Germany without having some kind of wurst.

They generally have great food. Not necessarily sophisticated, but really good.

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Do hope Pete and his wife are doing OK, perhaps he took her away for a bit before the build starts in earnest?


Yeah, here’s to them both…
I dropped Pete a line via his painting website contact, but didn’t hear back……Hopefully he’s having a good old deserved rest from the forum…!
Must admit, after all the whinging and soap box opinions over the last week re vTuner, I’m tempted myself…! :rofl::roll_eyes:




On my way😂