The Grand Cafe

Getting there. Had a 9km walk in the heat. A few beers while the girls were shopping and a spontaneous dinner. Happy days.


What beer is that Mike ?


This time Iā€™m sure his not only at the bar but probably under it. :grin:


Tuatara Hazy IPA. Very pleasant :sunglasses:


Pretty spectacular at the wharf this afternoon :sunglasses:


Good to see youā€™ve sobered up :+1:

Looks spectacular.

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Great spot in the world up there Mike

I canā€™t quite remember how do you get to that lovely town Russell from there

Probably so expensive and overtaken by tourists these days. I do remember way back Americans were buying up land and houses

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Thereā€™s a passenger ferry from the wharf, I think you can see one in the first photo. Thereā€™s a car ferry from Opua, just outside Paihia, short drives each side from the ferry. Otherwise there are some very long windy drives - one back towards Whangarei, a couple of classic unsealed kiwi goat tracks.

Anywhere on the coast us expensive, Russell more so than Paihia. Even our harbour bungalow on Whangārei Harbour would be nudging $1M :flushed:. Cheaper here than the Sunshine Coast though.

Yep Sunshine Coast now over the top like anywhere on the coast

If only Iā€™d done what I should have done mate many years ago ha :grinning:

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It that bank robbery?

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Itā€™s the memories of an old man are deeds of a man in his prime. :grin:


Good quote. (Free Four)


Congratulations on your retirement.

Hope it is long, productive and enjoyable

Looked up 8 Bishopsgate and the viewing platform, scared the life out of me. I remember having to go to the NatWest Tower in the mid nineties, I would always stay as far from the window and looking down as possible


Donā€™t you just love it that when you go to the theatre, the guy youā€™re about to sit next to is an awkward ass before you even sit down.
We went last night and got to our seats about 10-15 minutes before the start of the play.
The curmudgeonly gentleman grunted when I said good evening to him and then proceeded to push his elbow into my side for the next 5 minutes.
As I moved to try to be less affected by this he complained that I was half in his seatšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø
After a brief exchange he grumped and then spent the whole of the first act fidgeting and huffing.
At the interval, he got up and practically dragged his wife away from the seats.
They never came back. I felt rather sorry for her, as he obviously didnā€™t want to be there at all and she definitely did. If I were her, Iā€™d have left him at home and gone with a friend.
I honestly think he was trying to provoke me to begin with, so he could leave in a huff before the play startedšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I might try and post some photos later. So you donā€™t have to make the trip !

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What was the play?

Agatha Christieā€™s ā€œā€¦and then there were none!ā€
Very good, if a little graphic at times. The closing scene was a touch brutal, but thatā€™s the story and they did it well.


Sadly theatre going isnā€™t what it was, or rather the audiences arenā€™t. We went to the theatre earlier in the week to see Lucy Parham and Harriet Walter doing I Clara, which was really good. However, the number of people coughing! Also the closing few minutes were spoilt by someone rubbing their shoe rhythmically against a seat - at least I think that was the cause. Anyway I bought a CD of I Clara with the same artists to enjoy at home without the distractions of the general public.
Lucy Parham was playing her Fazioli piano and the sound she generated at times was incredible, also with some lovely delicate passages at the other extreme. Notwithstanding the distractions it was a most enjoyable night at the theatre.

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Mr and Mrs badger on the 50th floor of 8 Bishopsgate in London. Itā€™s free to get up there and great views across town. First day of my retirement and she is clearly delighted to have me around. Might have to see if there is a change in her demeanour in a few days :joy: