The Grand Cafe

How did they get on Pete. Is it hot? Blinder of day here, still and sunny all day. Too hot to work by mid afternoon, it’s just cooling down as it’s getting dark. Lovely time of the year.

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40 yesterday 42 today and 40 tomorrow. But guess what, we’ve got 24 concrete trucks coming on Thursday and the forecast is rain. :rofl::rofl:


:rofl: :rofl:

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We’ve had pretty decent weather here over the last 10 days, for January.
The main roof is finished (Wednesday) complete with all the brackets for the Solar Panels.
The Solar guys are supposed to have been here at 8am today (it’s now 9:06), but no sign of them and the wind is back at 20 plus MPH.:man_facepalming:t2:

We’ve had a hot and wet summer it’s like Bangkok. :grin:

The solar guys here are rather unreliable too, problem is they’re all so busy.

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How many Kw……battery too?

I don’t bloody know… :man_shrugging:t4: :rofl:
Specced by the pro’s who know about this stuff, they’ve told us it’s enough…:face_with_peeking_eye:

I know it’s a hybrid inverter…:wink:

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Just looked it up on the spec for the install, that’s supposed to happen on Wednesday.

*3.6kW Inverter
*5.12kWh IP65 Battery

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YAY! Solar guys have arrived…:partying_face:


Pete just passing through Chinatown area Sydney in cab

One of the pubs especially for you advertising

XXXX jug beer $10 :grinning:

I can just imagine what it is XXXX or even worse Great Northern. Yuk

Yeah I didn’t even though they were still making that QLD XXXX - crap indeed

I thought they’d stopped as well but apparently not. Wouldn’t use it to water my garden.

Now only getting the garage floor poured on Thursday as the forecast makes it too risky. We’ll have to wait till next week for the pour of the ground floor. :frowning:

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XXXX Beurk lol

Nothing beats the Fat Yack, Manly Vale or Two birds!

Not a big fan of Fat Yak but not tried the others.

Well, the Solar Panels are fully installed and there lines ducted down through the new roof and ready for the equipment installers tomorrow.
However, in order for the equipment to be installed the scaffolding needs to come down, as it is in the way.
It’s blowing in excess of 25mph from the west here at the moment and I have three scaffolders removing all the high level scaffolding around the roof.
Rather them than me today🫣


We need to know how much this improves the sound quality😉