The Grand Cafe

That’s very cool, thanks for sharing. I’ve never heard of goannas, are they anything like a croc?

Kinda like a cross between a large lizard and a crocodile, quite common around here but not that big. Friends had one in their tree a few months ago that was about 1m. They are generally good swimmers that obviously how he’s got in there in the first place.


Interesting. I’vee always liked lizards, so having large ones around wouldn’t bother me as long as they’re not higher on the food chain than I am. (Like crocs are).

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Yes they’re generally quite harmless and help with the balance, those goannas when that large can cause a bit on pain by bitting or scratching with those rather large claws if your stupid enough to get too close.

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Finally started writing again yesterday, after an 11 year hiatus. It was only a page and a half, but still, it was progress. :slightly_smiling_face:
Well today it is just grey, miserable and raining cats and dogs here.
I can’t write when the weather is like this, it makes me write sad…:face_with_diagonal_mouth:


Good work I would have thought that kind of weather would help it used to help me, however I haven’t painted for more than a month.


Interesting, what sort of writing are you doing?

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What’s happening on the project today @Pete_the_painter? I’m having a potter day here.


I think we need some “drones” to make sure he is on site not the nearest watering hole……thats where i would be😂


I started writing a Science Fiction novel in 2012 Andy, when I was really ill and awaiting surgery.
I wrote most of the book over the months whilst waiting for my surgery, but after the surgery lost all ability to be creative.
Here we are 11 years after my Op and I have read the whole of my draft manuscript this week and started to try and write an ending.


Keep going……wonderful thing to do👍

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That is just brilliant - what a thing to do.

Thank you Andy.
I had a couple of my friends, who are true SciFi nerds, read sections of it whilst I was writing and they really wanted to read the end product.
However, my surgery was an eleven and a half hour Cardiac surgery, of which I spent 7 hours on a bypass pump.
The surgeon told me after, that it was an unusual length of time on bypass and that I would be significantly affected by it.
He wasn’t wrong and I am still recovering from it, but yesterday was a real thrill.


Just been down the pool. Garage floor poured they’ll remove the formwork and get ready for the rest for ground floor which is poured next week.

Thankfully no car accidents as a result of my traffic control skills.

Off to the Cattlemen’s Association lunch today, still cracks me up that I get an invite. Now wheres my Stetson and boots. :grin:


Yee haw, insist on a vegan plate😂


Well that’d fix my health issues :rofl::rofl:


Right now I’m heading off for my weekly site meeting with my builder, that’s always interesting I usually forget to talk my wallet.


@QuickSticks keep writing, love to read a short passage.

As for your health a scare like that changes you no matter how well you recover, take care of yourself. :+1:


Very interesting QS. I’m about 350 pages into an adventure/mystery novel. I’ve already written the ending as well, now I just have to fill in 150-200 pages of 3rd quarter stuff.
Like you, I started writing it back in about 2014, but had to take a breather as my wife and I were caring for my mother who was sliding into Alzheimer’s. Looking after her got so weird and so unmanageable, that I had to stop writing as my thots were getting so dark. It’s taken a while, but I’m just getting back to it the last month or so and it’s going quite well.
I don’t get writer’s block at all, but one cannot do positive writing when one’s head is completely negative. The last 3 years delay was due to a litigation attack on my mother’s estate from some greedy family members, but that is almost done now.

My wife and 3 daughters are my interim proofreaders and they really enjoy the novel, so that’s good.
Best of luck with your writing and getting back to it.


That’s very satisfying, isn’t it.
Just reading about your medical difficulties in your earlier posts. Heavens, that must have been awful. Very sorry to hear you had to go thru all that. I hope you start feeling back to your normal self soon. An experience like that must put such a strain on your body and mind.

Sounds like you’ll enjoy writing the ending to your book.
Best of luck.

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