The Grand Cafe

Knew it wasn’t London, don’t they have a pool and a bar.

Gee love to know how much stock ADA are holding here

I reckon a lot - probably bought up large , hiked up the prices and got caught

Didn’t read the market at all

There is definitely no wildlife in the pool that I can see. Just went for a dunk in the sea and got a jellyfish warning from a member of staff. I don’t know how you blokes from the southern hemisphere put up with it.

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It makes you tough. You blokes have just got way too soft.


To be fair the spider and the lizard took one look at my wife and scooted.


Ah there lies the problem they originally signed under the impression they would sell more than they could. Lack of experience greed and stupidity and unfortunately Naim were just as responsible.

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I believe no stock to speak of here re 300 series

The new distributors ( and dealers for that matter) will have to tread slowly to see where the market is , going to be a slow process methinks

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Goodbye CB gear Nait 2 and 32.5/hicap/250

Welcome second Nait 50 down in southern Highlands with Core and nDAC


You’re in deep trouble badger with that comment :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:

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Only if she reads it. :grin:

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Did you sell it, I bet Harry’s happy he’s got too much trade in stuff or worse the old man’s kicked the bucket and his widow wants to sell it stuff.

Goodness me, you have no limits. Better upgrade the LP12 and swap in a ND555 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Haha -the 2 LP12’s are about as far as I want to go , Klimax level anyway , maybe one day a choice might have to be made re down to one but a long way off

I thought best thing to get rid of the older CB gear - box count dropped from 4 to 1

I can see over time a few more boxes disappearing

Maybe in time the NSS 333 incoming but no hurry

I have a date with this young woman on Tuesday, thank heavens the wait is almost over.


Pete. I clicked on it straight away. Sadly the site is blocked from here. I guess some sort of result or diagnosis? If so we are rooting for you.

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Good one Pete

Hopefully goes the right way :+1:


Harrys on the case selling it he has heaps of contacts for CB gear , old fellas like me I guess want it

No hurry for sale

So you now have 2 Naits 50s?


And worth every penny

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