The Grand Cafe

Are they that good, how would you compare it to other multi box setups

Well the Nait 50 certainly doesnā€™t have the shall I put it ā€œweightā€ of the larger boxes like the Supernait 3 which I have and maybe misses out a tad on detail

But on the plus side itā€™s ( hate using word) super musical and bounces along beautifully and drags you into the heart of the music . Itā€™s certainly fun to listen to thatā€™s for sure.

I really like it . I suspect the trick is to have the right speaker pairing , in Balmain I have the Neat Petite anniversary and down south have the Neat Petite classics . Perfect combo. I wouldnā€™t push it with big inefficient speakers though.

Here in Balmain currently using it with my LP12ARO and Superline/scdr/ Armageddon combo. Magnificent

For me one of the best Naim buys I have made in a long time :+1:



The other thing I should point out Pete is from what I can see on your pics and Mikes pics , compared to you guys these days I live in relatively small spaces so the Nait 50 with small stand mounts are perfect


My current room is rather small

My old Royds/Atom are now living comfortably in Balmain at a friends place. Heā€™s youngest daughter (21) loves it, got my old UnitiServe and all my music. Apparently sheā€™s now hooked on Lou Reed and the Moody Blues.


Fantastic , itā€™s great when gear moves on to a happy place

My brother is using my old Naim Allae speakers with a uniti star - he loves them


I know I told sheā€™s inherited my old white mans music (a few of Mrs Peteā€™s).

Down south I have the 252/SCDR/250DR with the Neat Ultimatum XLS ā€˜s stand mounts ( great speakers I might add)

Another area the core/ndac/ Nait 50 with Neat Petites Classics

It all works but only just

Certainly the 500 series and Neat Ultimatum XL6ā€™s I had previously far too much for the space

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My Neats are probably just a bit big for the room I have at present. Iā€™ve been spending a lot of time listening on headphone via my DAC V1.

I pack my NDX2 up tomorrow dropping into Harry next Saturday to get the din relay thingy fixed.

Good one - can Harry do it or thereā€™s a service guy in Sydney that probably can do it

Not sure hopefully in Sydney but at one stage it was going to Melbourne.

Think ā€œSpeed Bumpā€, slow down to bounce over it and then youā€™re off againšŸ˜‰
Hope everything goes well :crossed_fingers:t3:

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My main system is downstairs in the office (now dubbed the music room when Iā€™m not working). Itā€™s only about 3.5m by 5m, but works well. Iā€™d love to try in out in the lounge, but Iā€™m not taking it all apart to try! Sometimes I think Iā€™ve upgraded to far, but it will see me through a good 15 years or so I reckon, and a man needs one good vice in life.

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Iā€™ve hedged my bets a little for the future getting 2 Nait 50ā€™s

Hopefully in my later years Iā€™ll be able to have a small shack in NZ ( South Island of course ) where I can have the CD5XS/nDAC/NAIT 50 with the Neat Petite Classics. My brothers and other family members can use it

Itā€™s always in the back of my mind

Physical CDā€™s are still important to me thatā€™s for sure


We look forward to visiting :sunglasses:

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I read today a massive apartment complex has been approved for Queenstown CBD

Been years in the making evidently

Stage 1 of 200 + unit construction starts soon

Full complex over the next 5-10 years

That should ruin the place unfortunately

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Continuing my wildlife odyssey. Just stumbled on this nest of the most vicious biting b*ard ant species the world has ever known. Take one step towards these fkers and they are up your swim shorts like a bat out of hell.


Fire ants?

Are you on holidays or just out looking for things that bite. :rofl:


Could be. But you canā€™t get close enough to tell. Do you have them where you are?

Yes, theyā€™re not meant to be. Theyā€™re in Queensland now and the authorities are busy trying to wipe them out.

Iā€™m being a melodramatic. I am a zoologist by training so enjoying seeing it all.

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