The Grand Cafe

I am doing alright this week. They changed the antisickness meds and I have been better this week after treatment on monday. Steroids will wear off tomorrow and will get the come down at the weekend. Body hair falling off as well now. Will be like a baby at this rate!

But feeling positive! Listening to music, working. Doing my very best!

Take the very best of care Pete!


@Dan_M , & @Pete_the_painter .
Itā€™s hard to believe that you guys have to go thru all this $hit. Smiling always makes $hit hurt less and I can tell that youā€™re both taking that approach.
Weā€™re all too far away to assist, but itā€™s nice to know that you both have excellent family help.
Will be thinking of you two.


Best of luck with your ongoing Chemo. FWIW I have a lady patient with Mantle cell lymphoma who is in remission after 6 cycles of chemo 4 years ago with a good quality of life. It is a right PITA to go through all of this treatment but it should be well worth it. Plus she has all her hair!


On my way home now after my second day. I feel l am good hands, the staff have been amazing. When I had my little issue yesterday they acted with speed and thoughtfulness. Iā€™m hoping to be in remission by the end of my 6 months.

Any chances of getting my hair back as I never had any to start with.


Thatā€™s like asking them, ā€œWill I be able to play the violin after all this treatment Doc?ā€ ā€¦
Sorry, very old joke.
If I want to make you laugh, I should find some better material. :thinking::grin:

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No anything will make laugh right now Iā€™m home and so far no real problems with side effects. Although Iā€™ve been told that Iā€™m not out of the woods yet.

Thank you for your support humour is a good way to get through these tough times imo.


Are you allowed beer?

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Beer and wine in moderation they even suggest medical cannabis if Iā€™m struggling with sleep, which I am.


You could always switch on the cricket and have another laugh at our expense. Last time I looked India were ahead, only one wicket down, and a couple of centuries on the scoreboard :grimacing:

Saw a bit of that, it canā€™t really cheer you up. Think you might better listening to some music.

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Off to Bath at lunchtime today to watch U20 6 nations rugby tonight. England v Ireland, both won 3 out of 3 thus far so a crunch game.The U20 games are worth watching and can be really entertaining with lots of tries.

Three dads and six sons (all in early / mid 20s) on the trip and I am wondering if I can keep up with my two lads in the drinking stakes! Should be great fun though and might help us forget the bazball rollercoaster.


Last time I watched a Test Match, it felt like it went on for a couple of Centuriesā€¦:rofl:


I have that same problem I get over it by occasionally dropping a drink on my shout they donā€™t notice.

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Iā€™m just heading out to take Miss Mike to her first disco :flushed:.

I wish I was her age againā€¦ā€¦


They didnā€™t really exist when I was her age. Hope she has a great time, itā€™s tough being a dad at this time. Good luck.


Head for the kitchen when you get her there, that was where i used to hang outšŸ‘

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Thatā€™s a good strategy Gazza but itā€™s probably already full of other dads. :grin:


Back now, she had a great time. Sheā€™s really growing up fast now.

I had a walk then hung out, but not in the kitchen. Had a few boogies :smile::sunglasses:, then I had to sit it out as I was told I was cramping her style :sunglasses:

Where did the years go? I need a beer.

It was fancy dress, so being a teenager, she wore jeans and a t-shirt.


Oh to be young again Mike - trust Miss Mike had a rave as they say

Pic is Ocean Beach north of where you live I believe

Friends of mine have a ā€œbatchā€ there but as yet havenā€™t been over . They visited Sydney 6 months ago and insist I go.


Ah yes, Ocean Beach, on the Pacific Coast. Nothing between there and South America. Itā€™s pretty iconic, even by NZ standards. Itā€™s my go to for a surf swim - been there times this year. Itā€™s a 35 minute drive from our house, along the Whangarei Harbour. The whole of Whangarei Heads is spectacular with the volcanic mountains - much like the Cook Islands and Tahiti.