The Grand Cafe

Now there’s a place I must visit again

The Cook Islands

Spectacular if you get out to the outer islands and atolls


Aitutaki, heaven on earth


I was there once, many years ago now. Quite delightful and simple.

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Come on guys wtf are you doing I’m confined to quarters till at least August. Have you no compassion. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


None whatsoever Pete

Dream on

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Indeed it is watchet

In my top 5 of all destinations I’ve been to

Unspoilt , lovely people , slow pace etc

Everyone had a smile on their dial :grinning:

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No respect … :smile:

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I know you think they’d tone down a bit. Bloody Kiwis. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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You’re not kidding!:roll_eyes:
We are freezing our bits off and drowning under torrential downpours over here and he’s waxing lyrical about beautiful beaches and topaz lagoons.
No consideration…:roll_eyes::joy:


What started off as a pretty rough day yesterday just got better and better. Started 2 paintings, first time if touched a brush for almost 2 months. Fcked if I’m going to let this beat me.


Good to hear……:+1:

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That’s the spirit, good for you Pete.


This must be some weird stuff they’ve got me on, feel like a there’s a Star War movie going on inside. It’s like I butterflies.

Sad news with passing of Karl from World Party and Waterboys. Goodbye Jumbo is one of my favourite albums always thought it was perfect pop. The Waterboys Whole of the Moon and Fisherman’s Blues are classics.

We also lost Eric Carmen, I can imagine a lot of 70 year old women will be grieving. :grin:


It’s high strength chemicals Pete. Chemo is a very high strength drug that affects the mind and body in so many different ways. I felt like I was coming off class A drugs at the weekend!


Hi Dan hope you’re feeling ok, as I’ve mentioned I’ve had a few rough days but now seem ok. It’s such an odd feeling one that’s hard to explain, I guess my biggest issue was just running out of energy later in the day. I’ve now been given medical cannabis which I feel just takes the edge of the afternoon and allows me to settle down. I can’t believe how much it’s helped.

It’s certainly enhances my musical experience. :grin:

Gee and I’ve still got 5 of these sessions to go, it’s going to be a long winter.

Take care and I hope your situation keeps improving. Talk soon.


Makes you think that for patients, a bit of TCH should be left in to help mood etc

You and Dan are doing a great job……not sure i would be able to post and deal with the moment.
Hope the build is still on track?

Building still happening they return next week to start the panels. I’ll post a photo when they let me back on site, for some strange reason they don’t want me around. :grin:


Well any builds can be stressful enough……:heart:

Gazza you’d be surprised what you can actually endure. As much as I’ve tried to keep a sense of humour about this it’s still very scary. I don’t see me as being anything special I’m just an old bloke trying to edge out a few more years of annoying people. My heart goes out to the young folk I see in the clinic, they probably have an expectation of a shortened life span than I’ve already had.

I wasn’t ready for that.

But you have to have hope.