The Grand Cafe


I’ve given up seeing some of these older artists - it can be a real let down , had a few very dull experiences - be interesting to see how she turns out

A mate and I are off to see the Tedeschi Trucks Band in a couple of weeks at the State Theatre Sydney - hopefully it’s a good one. I’ve seen Derek Trucks with Clapton before , he and his wife Susan Tedeschi are a lot younger than him that’s for sure

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Having said that / in my top 5 concerts of all time

Robert Plant and the Sensational Space Shifters I think around 2017 here in Sydney

Front row seats bought by my ex step son

Couldn’t believe it - brilliant

Lloyd Cole was brilliant his getting on, think it’s more about the venue. Playing smaller venues suits them better as they get old, they’re not screaming ovet a too loud PA. Enjoyed Elton John and Paul McCartney but the were competing with a band that was too loud. It was more about being there.

Miss Jones is at the Factory haven’t been there for awhile but I think you’d luck with there 1000 people. Anyway I’ve always wanted to see her looking forward to Good Friday.

My next round of chemo starts the week after it’s a welcome distraction.


My top concerts were the Eagles, Billy Joel and Kings of Chaos. The Eagles, we were three rows from the front and to see these guys up close and personal, singing Seven bridges road was something special.

Saw Springsteen, Santana, Bon Jovi, Metallica (Surprisingly good) too… Others don’t stand out as much… Would give my eyes teeth to see Marc Knopfler live… Stevie Ray Vaughan of he was still around

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That’ll be a yes then :blush: :+1:t4:

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Had a hearing check yesterday. Confirmed my suspicions: mild to moderate hearing loss (around 30dB). Looking at Phonic hearing aid with speech and music settings (want something that has a natural presentation to match my hearing profile, not toning as such). Should be a nice upgrade.


I’ve recently played on this beauty. It’s a Steinway from 1912 - that’s before WW1. The instrument was in great shape. Often old instruments are crap, but sometimes you’re lucky and meet a real instrument.


Mrs Pete wears earringaids (our granddaughter words), I’ve often wondered what effect it has on listening to music. Not only is it shaped by your speakers it’s then another level colour that can add or subtract from the recording. They’re damn expensive a good set think we paid over $3k.

I’d be interested in how it works out, good luck.


Beautiful. I have an 1889 Bechstein grand that plays wonderfully (to my ears/fingers!). It was professionally rebuilt about 10 years ago, but the soul remains.


Just beautiful… What a treat


May work out cheaper than replacing black boxes :thinking:

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A day at our local county show with our horse mad granddaughter


She’s not very young looking for a granddaughter……



No she took the photo. :grin:


60k euros the Steinway was :slight_smile:

I seem to remember a photo of your Bechstein and the many guitars. Few people on this forum have so many instruments.

Does she now actually hear you, or is it still one way communication? :slight_smile:

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It’s always been optional :grin:


I got my piano from here:

It’s in an old mill building over several floors, it’s massive! They have a huge collection - worth a good look around their website!

When I bought the Bechstein I had actually gone with the intention of trying (and buying) a Steinway that I had fallen for online. When I got there, I played about 5 different pianos, including 2 Steinway. They were all beautiful, but I feel a real connection with the Bechstein, so went with that. A bit like buying hifi.


Dang … I was just gonna cut and quote a hilarious reply to Pete’s horse pic (along the same lines), then I read yours. You beat me to it (by about 2 days).