The Grand Cafe

Yep apart from the annoying butterflies ok. The first couple days I’m full of pre meds and steroids it’s the second week it seems to hit. This is only my second session so it’s hard to gauge. Thanks for asking.


Richard might’ve been a little worried by some of the reactions but tbh I’m still shocked by how bad it was, it never should have gone live. It also unfortunately highlights what little say Naim HQ has as I don’t believe Salisbury would have ever let that out.


Yes - and I wonder if Salisbury even new about it before itwas live?

Anyway, best not pollute this thread. I feel for you on chemo. Everything crossed for it doing the job - we need you here!

Same for Max & Dan, and anyone suffering in solence.

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Maybe a junior hit the wrong button ha :crazy_face::grinning::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::flushed:

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Or it’s lost in translation, there was so much waffle around the product description that it just sounded BS. Think that’s the problem when marketing don’t listen to the tech heads and even worse when there’s a language barrier.


Agree Pete

Although I like the layout it’s clunky and not fully combined segment by segment

Eg: if one looks at all the product lines access the page at the top and say click on separates and scroll down there’s no discontinued icon to click on

However if one goes to the front page and scrolls down to bottom right and click on say separates under products then scroll down the discontinued icon pops up and can see all the products

Looks as though they ran out of space at top of page going horizontally ha

Must tell Richard about that one

I reckon it could be a lot simpler - fact of the matter is there is 32 current products in production and some will fall by the wayside and a few will come on.

Cut out as you say lots of the too much marketing stuff ( of course one needs some bells and whistles) and really it’s pretty simple

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The only thing I know I wouldn’t have paid the developers invoice, think it’s all very amateurish. Very disappointing imo and whoever pushed the go button would be washing company cars for a few months.


Maybe they haven’t been paid ha or maybe on progress payments - bit like building a house I guess never pay 100% up front

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Looks like it was done in-house using one of those do it yourself apps. :grin:

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Ha ha - never mind hopefully gets sorted

Must remain positive

Not the worst thing to worry about in this world I’ve haven’t lost any sleep over it

Harry had to fill in a form and submit it to HQ advising he’s a Naim retailer ha only after almost 40 years​:crazy_face::flushed::grinning:


Thought he’d have to sign that with the new distributor. As far as I’m concerned he is Naim Australia

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Off to see the Tedeschi Trucks Band at the State Theatre tonight with a kiwi mate - 10 piece band I think

Saw Derek Trucks with Eric Clapton band in 2007 - great slide lead guitarist he blew Clapton to pieces


Should be good I’m slowly feeling a little worse than this morning and won’t be going anywhere. Those steroids are unpredictable, right now just sitting back watching the Swans.


3 more sessions to go ?

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4 and a cell harvesting session that’ll last 2-3 days after my 3 shot at chemo.


Pete. No need for you to reply. Just to let you know we are all thinking of you and continue to send love and best wishes. Keep going mate.


I’ve asked repeatedly for members to keep posts to making constructive comments and reporting issues found, but of course some have decided to ignore. I’ve quarantined it as I need to find some time to clean it up a bit as otherwise it’s very difficult for the marketing team to sort through looking for posts reporting issues.


All the best to you Pete.


Thanks Richard I’m hoping to keep you on your toes for a lot longer. :grin:


Weather in Sydney looks……very wet, glad you got out?