The Grand Cafe

Thank Gazza Newcastle (where we were) wasn’t hit as hard as Sydney and we didn’t get that much in Gloucester, only around 100mm. They did get a lot up stream means there’s a risk of the river behind us braking the banks but it shouldn’t cause any real concern other than soggy football pitch’s.


Good to hear👍

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Derek Trucks and wife’s Susan gig was a top 10 for myself and mate

12 piece band it was brilliant - we don’t have that depth of talent in Aus and NZ that’s for sure and most of them were young which is a plus

Amazing gig


Between the lock out laws and covid the live music industry is rock bottom hopefully governments realise their mistakes and do something. It’d be nice to see it return to those pub gigs by bands that produced AD/CD Cold Chisel Midnight Oil and others that were so successful in the 70/80s.


Yep agree - currently dead in the water

The Trucks band play so many places world wide these days , from what I can see they have concerts until Sept which is pretty amazing

We can say what we like about America love or hate it but the best music comes out of that country by and large


I’m really enjoying a picture perfect Wellington day. Barely a breath of wind and azure skies.


Shoulda bought one of these in the 80’s. But that’s what we all say!


That’s what everyone in Sydney says.


@Pete_the_painter so true! Hope you recover ok from the latest bout of treatment. Nature and good weather are a balm aren’t they?


And friends family and a sense of humour.


Great City on the right day IDAK, can’t beat it

I lived in Wellington in 1972 and 1973 after finishing uni in Christchurch

I think it blew and rained every day for 2 years ha !! Slight exaggeration, there were some perfect days as good as anywhere in the globe


If I could just change the way I did a coupla things earlier on, I’d be lighting cigars with thousand dollar bills (and giving millions to charity). There were so many missed opportunities. And I’m not talking about stock purchases (like shoulda, woulda, coulda ), … I mean there were some real obvious opportunities that I just didn’t take advantage of. A smarter person would have …


Very sensible Pete. A healthy (and sometimes, a little weird) sense of humour gets one thru all kinds of $hit. But I’m still pissed that you have to endure this discomfort.

Reminds of Eric Idle, singing whilst hanging on a cross:
Always look on, the bright side of life,
da dum … da dum, da dum, da dum,
Life is just a $hit, when you look at it,

Sorry, can’t remember the rest. Hilarious tho …


My favourite movie, what did the Romans do for us.


I love the part where he just wants to quickly buy a beard from the market guy (Eric Idle), but Eric insists that he barter for it. LMAO … :smile:

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And also, when Brian’s mum comes to his aid at the window:

'ees not the Meessia … now piss off …

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“He’s not the Messiah, he’s a very naughty boy”

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You know what they say: some things in life are bad. They can really make you mad. Other things just make you swear and curse. When you’re chewing on life’s gristle, don’t grumble; give a whistle, and this’ll help things turn out for the best.



Looks as though new website thread has been taken down

It’s being tidied up - see my earlier post above. Should be back later.

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