The Grand Cafe

Hope you didn’t mind the best flushes comment


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Back in Newcastle over night for another scan first thing tomorrow morning.


All the best, Pete.


Was that scheduled to happen Pete

Yes, I was meant to have it before we started. It’s apparently to make sure my hearts up to, bad luck if it wasn’t I’ve already had 2 sessions. :grin:


My older brothers ex wife is currently back in Newcastle hospital , she had a growth in brain removed a little back , just having a further test

Lives north of Coffs but they couldn’t do whatever has to be done at hospital there

Mater or John Hunter, the Mater seems to be the centre for cancer in the Hunter region.

Bloody hell it’s going to drop to 10c over night. Time to dust off the beenie find the hugg boots and rap myself up in the quilt. :grin:


Luxury………a hot spring day here……time to find the Speedo’s😂

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With you guys kicking off daylight savings and us now out of summer time makes the forum a less social place for us imo. In your winter and our summer there’s only a 11 hour difference, 8am for us was 7pm for you guys in the north. Now it’s 7.30am here and 10.30pm in the UK.

Hi Pete , i have enough problems working out the plus eleven or twelve hours, plus the time zones in Australia , my mind swims with all the time differentials

Best wishes


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I couldn’t do without a smart phone either. As it is I’ve probably got the maths wrong in the post above. :grin:

Stay safe.

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Forecast good in London today :sunny: supposedly 20 degrees and so going for a walk along the river with a mate towards Richmond and will probably end up in a riverside pub. I might even look for a pair of shorts in the back of the cupboard. If you are in the vicinity you have been warned :shorts:


I’ll watch from Google earth good luck with the shorts. :grin:


I’ll too be in the vicinity of Richmond circa 1pm with shorts on, playing football…:sunglasses:

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No! You see too many blokes poncing around in shorts outside of summer. If I ruled the world there would be a date 1st June when you can legally wear shorts in the UK. Up until then you get rounded up by the Shorts Catcher and carted off.

You don’t want to end up looking like the village idiot. Just say no to shorts until summer.


Yes I’d probably agree, there something weird about English gents in shorts. (Sorry)

Says me sitting a pair of shorts enjoying some late afternoon sun. :rofl:


Ok. I will compromise. A pair of long shorts. Thick woolly long socks. And about a centimetre of flesh visible around aboutmy knobbly knees. :ok_hand:


Oh that is perfectly fine where you are but it is getting to be a worrying trend in the UK - mid-winter, temperatures barely above zero and there are blokes always blokes never women wearing shorts. Can you believe it Pete, actually wearing shorts in winter - it is most bizarre behaviour.

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