The Grand Cafe

I don’t wear shorts in winter, although I did until I was about 45.

There’s no such thing as bad weather there’s just poor choice of clothing.


I will go for the socks around the ankles, milk bottle white legs on full display :flushed::joy:


My Shorts Law excludes the wearing of shorts for participation in sporting events so you are fine.


I notice lots of posties wear shorts irrespective of weather conditions

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I might consider an amendment to my Shorts Law for postie’s but having seen my postman in shorts in winter in the snow. I do find it quite bizarre and would take some persuading.

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Does your Shorts Law have any sections on types of shoes with shorts - specifically upper middle class blokes who wear brogues with shorts?


Or sandals and socks!


Having worked for a company based in Bermuda where you are allowed to wear bright coloured shorts in the office only with long socks and proper shoes, I have a few ideas.

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That says England to me. :grin:


When I were a wee lad in Singapore, and my father worked for the ministry of works and bricks for the RAF, they all wore short-sleeved white shirts, white shorts and long socks (about 2 or 3 inches below the knee, folded over at the top) and shoes or sandals. Very elegant. Those that smoked pipes (and there were lots of them, my father included) stuffed the pipe stem-down in their socks. Which left a rather unpleasant yellow stain where the mouthpiece was.


Never really understood why that is so wrong. Sandals without socks (in hot, humid countries) means your sweaty feet stick to the sandals as you walk, unsticking as you lift your foot. Very unpleasant.

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Shorts and barefoot is where it’s at :sunglasses:


You say only men Andy, but we were returning from London on the train a couple of weeks ago and when we reached Cambridge, two girls alighted from the train on that significantly cold, wet and windy day in shorts and skimpy tops.
They must have been freezing…:man_shrugging:t2:

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I would agree normally. But there might be puddles and other unmentionable items where I am going today.

That was pretty standard here in the 40/50s, my father wore that very same combo.

Yes. Well. So long as scorpions, centipedes, broken glass, dog sh!t etc. don’t bother you at all.

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I agree. Sandals and white or light socks are fine. It’s when someone wears shorts, sandals and argyle socks that there’s a problem. Even black socks look crap.

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… but probably looked great …

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Ha no, socks sandals and shorts are a no no. Please don’t encourage it. :rofl::rofl:


Looks-wise, I get it. But I really hate that sticky, sweaty feel that @Beachcomber was talking about.
I always wear socks in my sneakers as well. Only time I’m sockless is if I’m barefoot, like Mike.