The Grand Cafe

Where I live the main shorts wearers in winter are postmen (not women). But quite a few young women, wear miniskirts in the evening whatever the weather, and teenage schoolgirls seem to think that a wide belt is a good substitute for the obligatory skirt, though thankfully with tights or leggings beneath.

And a guy I know, in his mid 70s, has for his entire adult life had a fixed clothing routine, regardless of weather, switching to shorts on the same day every year, something like 1st March, and to long trousers from something like 1st November. Apparently he swaps his whole clothing set, each time the other being put away until next season!


Well as we are thinking of bedtime, you guys down under wake to a dreadful reminder of yesterday. Stay strongā¤ļø


Anyone knows if this element is any good? The tt sounds really good but in dynamic passages there is distortion.

Is that red label damaged? Rather than ā€œkeringā€ I suspect it may be Pickering, a US brand from the 60s and 70s. If I remember correctly some people felt the top of the range rivalled the Shure V15.
If you can access The Vinyl Engine you may be able to get more information


Judging by the bulky body itā€™s probably a V-15 or one of itā€™s various incarnations.

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thanks @catswhiskers and @Tony , yes I think youā€™re right itā€™s a Pickering. Iā€™ve been reading up the last hour a bit.

The Thorens 165 is a good table - its dead silent. I even fell asleep next to it when the record was finished and only a metre away I heared nothing. Bearings are OK, it keeps spinning when I give it a push. During playing no rumble, no hum. Itā€™s hard to get approval for an expensive new table so Iā€™m going to upgrade this one step by step over the coming 1 - 2 years.

Iā€™ve a good saw, so on a sunny summer evening Iā€™m going to create an oak plinth of the same wood as the floor.

Iā€™ve the 322 and 323-K boards for my Nac 72 so I can go either MM or MC :slight_smile:

The weakest part of the Thorens seems to be the arm hence Iā€™m looking to upgrade that with a new element.

Well, it wonā€™t reach the fully Naimified LP12 I once heared (aro, armageddon) when I auditioned the SBLā€™s I have but hopefully it will become a sufficiently fun table to listen to!


I know nothing about the Naim boards. Its a long time since I played with a Thorens, again, if it is still accessible, the Vinyl Engine was always a good resource. If not, I wonder if @Richard.Dane might know, the weak spot of the arm possibly worn V blocks?
A bit of searching, Jico may have a replacement stylus, or at the budget end Denon 110 or 103 MCs might work well?

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The Pickering cartridges are pretty good, all told. They are closely related to the Stantons, but often a step up. However, looking at that one, it appears to have the wrong stylus on it (the stylus looks like a Stanton 500 series one) - you can see that it doesnā€™t fit properly, and that likely accounts for the issues youā€™re having.


I had a Thorens TD150, which had heavy use for 20 years then decreasing. When I sold it at about 40 years old its bearing still had no discernible play, and without belt linking it to motor it would spin for absolutely ages if given a push. Superbly engineered with very well balanced heavy platter. I imagine the 165 is similar, though IIRC it had a lighter platter. Early on I swapped the original mat for a felt one, and after 15 years or so I upgraded by rebuilding the plinth making it a lot more substantial (including underside) and changing the original arm for a Rega RB300, also taking the opportunity to replace the suspension springs.


@Bevo you guys (work) manage Westfields ?

Nope - they manage all their own centres Pete

The company in Aus & NZ is actually not Westfield any more even though centres branded that way for historical reasons

Company now called SCentres and on Stockexchange

The Lowry family who founded and built up Westfield basically sold out ( only a very small percentage these days)

A lovely lady who has just joined us last week was the lease administrator for Bondi Junction Westfield. Pretty dramatic for her knowing what the Management team is currently going through.

Hi Pete, I have been away from the forum for several weeks so only just found out about your chemo. Best of luck mate. Lyra sends her hugs and kisses.


Sheā€™s still a gorgeous dog, thank you.

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Flash floods in Dubai as it receives one and a half years of rainfall in one day (142 mm). Good job COP28 sorted things out


Doesnā€™t sound like a lot (of rain) but I guess itā€™s all relative. Keep dry.

A common sight in white collar workers in NZ 1960s and 1970s.


Looks like my primary school headmaster :scream:


Quite a lot of rain for a desert! Iā€™m in London so no chance of staying dry :wink:


Iā€™ve bought a beer brewing kit. It might be my best upgrade yet :+1:


Make sure they donā€™t all explode in your garage :grin:

Made your first batch?