The Grand Cafe

Yeah, 202(NAP SC)/200. It used to have a HC DR as well, but I repurposed it to power the SuperLine in my system a couple of months ago.
I’ll put a HiCap back on it eventually I think Pete🤔


Think they just a bit of weight to the 202.

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Agreed, but it is the second system and isn’t used as a pure listening system as such anymore.
Traci is very happy with it as it is and enjoys it when she’s having rare moments of down time.
It’s our media room as well, so used for TV as much as music. Great for movie watching😊


We’re away for a few days, slumming it in Paihia. Started the day with a beach walk and swim (inspired by 3 elderly ladies doing the same) followed a nice cooked breakfast in the restaurant. I’m feeling quite relaxed :sunglasses:


Slumming it again Mike. :rofl::rofl:

Sure beats the accommodation I get stuck with once a month. :frowning:


Granddaughter #6 is staying for a few days over school holidays, she has been asking me for months to do a painting in pops studio. Looks like today’s the day.


You hanging in their OK Pete?

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Yes thanks Gazza, just had a few bumps this week. They’re now extending my chemo by a month and told my I have 3-4 weeks in hospital in September while I have a stem cell transplant and to top it off I’ve just got home from the skin doctor. It appears I may have a melanoma on my head. Now got to wait a week on the biopsy results.


All the best Pete.

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Sorry to hear that Pete🥺

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Streuth mate, take care! The melanoma is a right bugger, you are doing the right thing with having checks with a skin specialists, but the bad news is that the damage was probably done when you were a teenager, but the melanoma forms now. If your checks are at the recommended interval then you should have time to have a diagnosis and any naughty bits cut out before they can go rogue and cause damage.


So sorry to hear about the extension of the chemotherapy and the stem cell , on the other hand it shows an active treatment regime .

My very bestest wishes



Good Grief!

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That’s hard to hear Pete, but it does show they’re on top of the treatment, and as Mike says melanoma caught early has excellent results.
Thinking of you mate, my next glass of red will be raised to you.


I hope it’ s Langmeil …

Infused with the scent of Edelweiss

Hoping you are well , I would suggest a video link up with Pete and raising a glass but that would mean one of us raising a glass of red at breakfast time

best wishes



Crickey Pete … when it rains it pours, eh? Very sorry to hear of these other issues, but we’re thinking of you. Mike’s experience with the melanoma was good it seems.

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Well, good as in it wasn’t evasive. I’ve a nice pirate scar on my right cheek and narrowly avoided a skin graft by going private.

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Yes, I guess good wasn’t quite the right descriptor, Mike. I guess I was thinking that at least it stopped there. I saw your earlier posts and it must have been quite the ordeal.


Most melanomas are diagnosed before they are 1mm thick. These have a 98% 5 year cure rate. It’s all about prompt diagnosis and early presentation m. Hope it goes well Pete. With any luck it’s a thin one.


Shall we set one up? I have a Zoom account.