The Grand Cafe

Welcome home Pete.


Good to have you back and out of the hospital, Pete, and hats off to Mrs. Pete for being able to take this all in stride. Commendable.
Sorry to hear it was such a long, rough, couple of weeks. Jesus!

But all the same, I donā€™t think youā€™d make it much past 6 rounds with Mike Tyson. :upside_down_face:


Thanks David, I did forget to mention that Mike Tyson did win every round.

Itā€™s difficult going through this as you feel you have no control, you are completely in the hands of doctors and medical teams. I feel for Dan and knowing what his going through doesnā€™t help because itā€™s a battle you have on your own, regardless of support. We spend trillions every year trying to kill each other and a fraction on saving ourselves, dumb species.

Iā€™m off to the music room to finally get a chance to listen to something and celebrate 24 hours of no one puncturing me with something sharp. :grin:


Gee @Richard.Dane these trust levels thing is a major disappointment, Iā€™ve been absent for medical reasons and get bumped to a beginners level again. This adds to the disadvantage of time zones. There has to be a better way to organise this, rather than being constantly told youā€™re not trusted after 5 year membership.


Gazza couldnā€™t give your post a like so a post will have to do. Iā€™m extremely jealous looks spectacular hope youā€™re having a great time.


We are, only a few days left. Hope things improve for you soon. Seeing some folks here who struggle to get around, its a stark reminder to live every day to the full.


Pete, your TL looks ok from here, and a long way from beginner status. Level 3 and above does require a good deal of regular daily participation. Good to have you back though.


Thanks Richard, but it should be based on time not activity which just causes people to open countless threads. However I do understand itā€™s not your call.

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Yes, sorry, nothing I can do there as itā€™s ā€œbaked inā€ to the platform.


See I can now as itā€™s the time zone which also trips us up.


I see, that makes sense. Itā€™s like a personal fight that youā€™ve been thrown into and itā€™s just mostly up to you to keep your spirits up, knowing youā€™re going to beat it. I almost canā€™t imagine what you and Dan are going through and it annoys me that it has to be this uncomfortable for you.

Itā€™s nice to hear that you still get some solace with some music occasionally. @Dan_M has been doing some of the same with some system upgrades as well.
Cheers, Pete.


Back in the studio for the first in weeks, working on a view from the window looking towards the Buckets. Itā€™s important to keep working (although Iā€™m much slower than usual) to keep my mind on other more important things.


@Bevo @Mike_S should start I start worrying :rofl::rofl:


Indeed you should , theyā€™ll end up living in your town ha :crazy_face:

Oddly enough thereā€™s a lookout not far from here (see the last painting I posted) called Kia Ora apparently named by some Kiwi that escaped the shaky Isles for warmer pastures.

Anyway Dutton will stop you, he just loves a small populist target. :grin:

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Yes he certainly does Pete re speech this week without getting too political

Heā€™s evil, we were talking about who Iā€™d wish was going through my problems and I couldnā€™t name anyone. He certainly comes close.

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Yes, Iā€™ve actually starting researching the reciprocal welfare arrangements (pension, and support for Miss Mike) and house prices to see whether a move would be feasible, along with extended winter rental arrangements as another option if staying here in retirement.

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Anywhere near the coast is going to cost you around a minimum of $1.5 to $2m depending how close to major cities. Best bet is rural communities that have good access to bigger towns.


@Mike_S Coastal property prices are now nuts - forget it Mike unless you want to become a Queenslander for heavens sake !!!

Iā€™d rather have a decent super fund at my age rather all monies tied up in overpriced property