The Grand Cafe

Same here Pete, was 7°c this morning.

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I’ve just crawled out of bed maybe I should stop whinging it’s 9c here.

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And I forgot to mention extremely foggy I can’t see our back fence.

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We had fresh Cinnamon Rolls from a new bakery for breakfast this morning.

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Cheers, yes, we do have it good. Our house is lovely, though Mrs Mike wants to move to a flat section at some stage, so there’s a bit of tension around that :flushed:. Lots of factors and variables at the moment, Miss Mike will be at high school for a few more years, I’ll be retiring and we both have elderly mothers who increasing support. And affordability is going to be a big consideration, we would be selling and buying in the same market, but I’ll be wanting something at least as nice as we have. I don’t think we can achieve that and have an adequate retirement fund without the likely inheritances.

Best I get the LP12 finished first :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Not sure how good it is for me but I do need to enjoy something special occasionally


Everything in moderation, including moderation

W Churchill


Or buy a lotto ticket :grin:


Found these going through my work on paper these were prep drawings for Harry. Hard to believe there about 30 years old.

The painting still hangs proudly in his store.


Powerball now $150m

Got my ticket this morning

It was $100m last week but didn’t go off

Paid $30 for ticket last week and won $90 which will buy a very decent wine

Don’t gamble unless a big prize up for grabs but it’s a mugs game


I paid $33 and “won” $11.70 :flushed:

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Yes he told me those were your paintings

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I did and won $30, less the $18 ticket. Power ball has rolled over to the next draw.

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Love the ‘Henge’ concept using ‘Black Boxes’, that looks great fun.
Do you have a picture of the finished work Pete?

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I do somewhere I’ll find it and post it, there was a guy on the forum that uses the image.

Hope you had a good day ,


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I did thanks Ian started a large painting, I do run of energy around 2pm. Dinner with friends across the road and back home for early night in.


I hope that at some point we see you again and meet Sue for the first time

Best wishes



Depending on how things pan out we were thinking of trying to get back next June next year and driving from London to Scotland. However we won’t be jumping into anything until we know more.

We were meant to go to Canada in July that’s definitely cancelled


It’ll be great if you do make it over Pete, my turn to buy the wine. It’s great that you’re feeling like painting, enjoy it.