The Grand Cafe

I think he’s got most of the NC range apart from the 350 mono amps

I haven’t seen any of them in the flesh yet

Weather is lovely and sunny in southern highlands - bit crisp but I like it that way

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Just looked it up - Stoat looks like a weasel


Weathers the same here in Kellyville mind you can’t imagine why you’d want to live here. Huge houses huge mortgages lots of Teslas and Merc’s and no infrastructure. Phone one bar and slow internet and traffic. Apart from that it’s ok. :grin:

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Ha ha

@Pete_the_painter They are a part of the mustilid family that includes ferrets, weasels and otters. They are slightly smaller than rats but are very aggressive and fearless. Killing them is a very good thing to do. God knows how they ever reached these shores as they are like ninja assassins.


Like foxes and cats (feral) here, between the 2 of them they wipe out millions of native wildlife every year.

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Evidently European settlers introduced them to control rabbit and rats numbers IDAK

Reading about it, these little blighters have destroyed so many native bird life

Sadly I have never caught one. Lots of rats and the occasional hedgehog in our B200 traps. We kill about 1 stoat to every 20 rats in these here hills.

Yes, our early settler pioneers did not appreciate what their European animals would do in such a different environment. They were thinking of the fur and meat in their hard scrabble times. When the English settlers arrived in the Hutt Valley near what is now Wellington in 1840 they could barely hear each other, so loud was the birdsong. That has now almost vanished.


Not to mention those damn Aussies introducing their possums which decimated many native species ( apart from us humans !!)

I read somewhere at their peak there were estimated circa 80 millions wandering around

I can hear response from Pete now :crazy_face::crazy_face:


There sooo cute though. It is a problem though when you introduce something from somewhere else, the impact that rabbits foxes cats fcking cane toads etc have out a unique environment at risk. Said before but we’re really not as smart as we think we are.

Edit I for got to include wild dogs. :grin:

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Agree Pete

Those cane toads just keep marching south, I saw a couple of them in Lismore about 20 years ago I couldn’t believe it

Not to mention ferel pigs in NZ and here also I guess

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Yes I must admit to shooting hundreds of those furry Australian possum critters in the old days. They eat literally tons of native bush each night.
These days we fill bait stations with pellets every 3 months and it has a warfarin- like effect on them. It does not have the immediate gratification of getting a quick kill but is very effective at keeping the numbers down.

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Quite right and if everything goes as it should, we will meet them in the final :wink::smile:

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Those damn pigs I forgot about them plus deer.


List just keeps going on Pete

Another one, Kiwis. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Yeah too many of them I’ll pull out my Aussie passport :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Wombats on Kawau Island….

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