The Grand Cafe

Actually, I think they are Wallabies.

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They are slightly different you know. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Yes, we always use peanut butter in the mouse traps. We have plenty of rats as well. We had to stop feeding the birds as all the seed that drops to the ground attracts the rats. When there was one or two we ignored them, but when we started seeing five or six rats at a time under the feeder, we stopped filling it.

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We also have a wild pig issue in Ontario in the farming areas. They’re out west as well.

They’ve put a bounty on them here, they get bigger with each generation and more aggressive. Do enormous amounts of damage here.

I can’t remember what they get up to and the damage, it was a while ago that I was reading about it. But they are setting up corral type traps to get 10 or 20 at a time.

They eat and trample everything and are becoming extremely aggressive.


My hens can be aggressive too. I saw them attacking a pigeon today the pigeon eventually escaped severely damaged.

One my my chicks is a supergirl:


Brings tears to your eyes.



Good to see an Aussie clean up the Double Gloucester Cheese Rolling. :rofl::rofl:

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It helps to have a few loose screws in the head😂

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More than a few I’d say.

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Aren’t most of them physically broken in some way at the end of it?

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I’d still be laying at the bottom of the hill


Opuntia, and the various natural predators introduced to get rid of it, and the predators to get rid of them. I know an old woman who swallowed a fly.

I’d be standing at the top.

I’ll be in the bar, ready to buy a pint for any member of this forum who completes the race and makes it to the bar without first visiting A&E.



Unfortunately my opportunity to be treated as an out patient during my stem cell transplant isn’t going to happen. Booked in on the 2nd of September for a 3 to 4 week stay in hospital. I’m a little disappointed but have been reassured that is about getting the best outcome.


Sounds like it’s for the best Pete, but disappointing that you can’t have the comfort of being an outpatient. Maybe your wife can bring you in some alternate food to have instead of 3-4 weeks of hospital food. Anyway, we’re thinking of you …


Gosh thats a long haul, wish you all the best.