The Grand Cafe

Thanks Ian. :+1:

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Love it. You sure have a gift, Pete


Very pleased for you Pete and a great painting also :sunglasses:

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Stunning day here for the first day of June, had a lovely walk along Ruakaka beach for the start of the long weekend, after a week of rough weather.


Hasnā€™t stop raining here since last night, not that cold though. Gives you a good excuse to do nothing.


Lovely. Another wet start to the day here in central France. 11 th year here and this has been the wettest winter and spring we have seen. Itā€™s that bad we have just been talking and re visiting our pre covid plan to move further south and near the coast. We always intended to move before moving back to Blighty as the grandkids arrived and started to grow. Covid took a few years out of the rough plan and we thought stay here longer and then just make the one move. This weather pattern change is making us think again.


All that rain should give you (ex) Brits a comfy feeling :slight_smile: home sweet home innit?


It was cold last night, I turned the heating on - the last day in May .

Mind you with all the aches and things that may have been a factor


Iā€™m very much afraid for fungus / mould. My cellar is wet again. And last but not least, I need sunshine myself. Iā€™ve restarted taking vit D capsules.


Great news Pete, and what a lovely view and painting.


The house next door has been empty and unheated for four years , I am having black mould - so have had extractor fan and a small heater going to keep the microclimate on the offending wall as warm and dry as possible.

You have my utter sympathy


I cleaned out our fireplace reconditioning the stone and everything about 5 weeks ago, thinking thatā€™s it until October.
We lit it again last night we were so bloody cold!


Glad I am not alone in this, just been into my unheated greenhouse which is warmer than my house


Had to dig the little digital space heater out in the cabin yesterday afternoon as it was only 15 degrees in there and that is far to cold for meā€¦:cold_face:

My sis in law is pregnant, first kid. They proudly told about a posh merino wool outfit they bought for the unborn.

I couldnā€™t stop laughing.


Sh*t happens :wink:

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All over the place!

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Great doco currently on ABC re Cold Chisel

Watching the Matildaā€™s v China Iā€™ll catch up on it tomorrow

Gee the 3rd and 4th day after chemo really knocks me around, once the pre and post drugs wear off itā€™s like a plane crash. I couldnā€™t lift my head off the pillow on Monday. Much better now thankfully.

Big sporting night here the 1st State of Origin (rugby league) game kicks off tonight and Iā€™m allowed a night out at a friends property for a barbie and watch the game on a big screen.