The Listening Room Reality

It’s hard too explain what’s actually happening but it sound pleasant.

Peter is this a dedicated room?? It looks great…hows the wife excepance factor??? Its a while since I have seen pics of your room … are you pleased with the results…looks as it you have nailed the corner treatment and 1st reflections…should give you great bass and very nice imaging…

Hi Rich, thank you and yes it is dedicated room. My wife has been extremely good about that, as our tastes in music are VERY different, hence I’ve now only got a single retro Ikea chair in there and very comfortable too. As stated before it really has been a transformational process, like you yourself has posted about on this thread. Dimensionality, separation, focus on vocals and timing has become very believable and present for sure.
My back wall however looks like a dog’s diner but hey, the room has taken a big step back ( yet kept very ‘live’), and the music has very much moved to the foreground.

Yeah….:crazy_face:, but who cares!

Enjoy your room too Best Peter


Be careful with diffusion, though.

Diffusers work on a limited frequency range. Everything above and below that frequency range is reflected.

Moreover, it is very difficult to treat the low medium with diffusers. Not to mention the low end.

Absorption works over a much wider frequency range and, above all, it is possible to hit the low frequencies.

In small rooms we shouldn’t abuse the use of diffusers. They take up space and do not dissipate energy. Usually in small rooms we try to dissipate some energy, especially in the low end of the frequency range.

But once again, it’s a matter of taste.

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I’m imagining something like this


I’ll probably order two AVAAs! :sweat_smile:

This morning I contacted PSI Audio. I was lucky, I spoke directly to the head R&D engineer.

I told him about my listening room project and the possibility of integrating two AVAAs to hit under 40 Hz.

We chatted for a good twenty minutes. He invited me to visit their facility and even offered to lend me a pair of AVAAs.

So I will most certainly add two AVAAs to my acoustic treatment.


Hi @Thomas
Following your project reports with great interest. I have considered 2 AVAA units placed in the front corners behind the speakers in my 17 X 25 foot room but have no measurements. Would do it empirically. Does that make sense?

AVAAs are an efficient and space-saving solution for handling the 15Hz-150Hz frequency range, i.e. the bass.

But it only treats that frequency band.

If you wish to improve your listening experience, you must treat the rest as well.

Treating above 150Hz is really the easiest part. But it has to be done.

To answer your question, yes it would make sense to add 2 or 4 AVAAs in your room in the high pressure areas like the corners.

Here is a short and very good video explaining the acoustic problems associated with small rooms and what a system like AVAA can achieve.

PSI Audio AVAA Demystified - Chapter 1 - The Room Modes - YouTube

PSI Audio AVAA Demystified - Chapter 2 - How it works - YouTube

Thanks and great luck with your ambitious project.

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One thing I am curious about.

How will the door open?

Should be something like that :


Wow that looks cool

A thought…

Could you cut a curved section into the wall so that the door can hinge from the side and open like a regular door, something like this. (The door would need to swing pretty much back to the wall.)

A 1m door width (i.e. 1m radius), in a 530mm thick wall, would need a set back of about 150mm, for a door width on the outside of about 850mm, which is a respectable conventional door width.

(Microsoft Paint. Old habits die hard.)


I think I’ve already covered that


It is not necessary to have a door with a curved cut-out.

It is sufficient to calculate the recess required for the door to open.

The length C is calculated from the lengths A and B. It’s just a bit of trigonometry.


Yes I see… Of course it’s not trying to pivot back from the closed position. Nice.

The good old SOHCAHTOA trigo formulas will easily provide the dimensions and angles. Google it and there is even calculator helping you if needed.

Hey that just reminds me that there are some super nice specialized hinges for kind of “hinden” thick doors with eccentric pivot that you can get and it look real great. You could even make your room “Ze great hidden listening room”
I’m kidding, but more seriously, you can look at those real nice hinges. They are good … but not cheap.


Food for thought

Early Reflections Are Not Beneficial

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Hooray, I’ve been saying that for years!

Very often in response to people claiming that the stereo image extends outside the speakers (it doesn’t, that an artefact of reflections!).