The Listening Room Reality

Then it’s you who is deliberately distorting the logic to make your point.

Yes initially you state 125mm drivers, then you change you mind and illustrate figures for 150mm drivers. I assumed you were trying to make a valid point so I used two realistic examples. Before trying to pull apart my physics, please first try using an even slightly realistic example comparison, and also make up your mind about what it is you’re trying to compare.
Your initial example (comparing a 250mm vs 3 x 125mm) is EXACTLY like saying that, all other parameters being equal, a single 250mm driver is going to give ‘more’ bass than a single 200mm driver.

Well, that’s not news to anyone!

To achieve anything useful, you need to compare equivalents, not two different random non-equivalent configurations.

To get back to making points about “The Listening Room Reality”: at bass frequencies, 2x150mm drivers, when placed close together, will interact with the room in exactly the same way as a single 200mm driver.


Hi anon,

You’ll be talking about me then :rofl: Ovator S800s in 5m x 4.5m room!! Sound fabulous and with a bit of acoustic sound treatment no trouble with boomy bass etc. Took a while to set them up and I listen in near field, but its spectacular and anyone who’s been here has the same opinion :wink:


Love the wallpaper, giant albums?

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You’ve shattered my illusion, I was convinced that Naim must have introduced a tiny desktop speaker to their range.


Yes spb - I put together some of my favourite albums took the photo, made up the artwork and then had the wallpaper printed.

Cheers Pete


How close is near field

Speakers are 2.3 m apart and I’m around the same distance when sitting in my listening position.

Cheers my listen position is around about the same as this perhaps a little shorter…getting great results from small S12 speakers.

Hi Peter,

I just got an email from my dealer in Zurich.

Both the Soulution 760 and Soulution 711 are built :partying_face:

The 760 passed its tests.

The 711 is on its break-in until tomorrow and will be measured thoroughly after.

I won’t be able to go to Zurich this weekend, will go next one.

In the meantime, I’ll build a temporary, el cheapo, rack out wood and stainless steel.

I look forward to having them! :star_struck:


That was quick, fantastic news !

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…and we look forward to hearing an honest review about Soulution vs Naim 500 kit :grinning: Exciting times Peter

…and not only on classical music please ie ‘let it rock’ also :+1:t3:


Yes, and none of that “its not a fair comparison” nonsense…it doesn’t have to be fair, we still want to know !


Exactly Elfer, no gilding of the lily required. ATB Peter


Hi @PeterR and @Elfer ,

I’ll pick the 760/711 on Saturday the 20th. And install the whole thing on Sunday.

The 711, in its wooden crate, weighs above 90Kg!😵‍💫

I’ll ask a fellow climber with big arms to help me delicately unload the box from the van.

As for comparing the Naim setup against the Soulution, I’ll try to write something :sweat_smile:

Interesting times! :smiley:

I also plan to change speakers. I’ve put the S3 MkII on sale on a German website; and have to do the same with Naim system.

The Magico M2 driven by the Soulution 760/711 combo is quite something.

I really look forward to it :partying_face:


I’ll pick the 760/711 at Soulution’s factory.

Cyrill Hammer himself will deliver the pieces, and he kindly agreed to show us around.

We’ll have a factory tour with Mr Soulution!

I look forward to that too! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


I’ll be as pragmatic and factual as a Swiss can be to describe a subjective matter :innocent: :switzerland:


I’m thinking of the same, I just need to follow up on the email that nice Nigerian doctor keeps sending me - or maybe the US Army Colonel, with the boxes of cash from Iraq…


Here is the treatment on rear wall…it worked out pretty good…I am going to get some Monsters to cover top to frame the impressions…


Hello all, quick question … I have five 100cm x 50cm canvases my daughter is going to paint her artwork on for us and I’m wondering if I could also leverage these for some sound absorption in our living room. They’ll be going on the back wall which is currently bare.

The canvas is cotton, 380g/sqm and will be painted with acrylic paints. I could get about 5 cm of space behind them as they’re box canvases.

I was thinking of using several layers of thick towels inside the frames as I’ve read they work really well and I don’t like the idea of using rockwool or similar.

My understanding is that high frequencies will bounce off them just like the wall and they’d be too thin for any bass absorption?

Would be interested in hearing any thoughts!

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My understanding is that high frequencies will bounce off them just like the wall and they’d be too thin for any bass absorption.
:+1: :grin:
(i.e. a statement rather than a question!)

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